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How can I make my calves smaller?

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hey ashmi, just want to know how much does the calf reduction surgery cost as i've been considering it for while now. Also do you have your before and after pics? As i;m a new member, i cant pm you until i reach certain post count, so please email me [email protected] , with all the info your experience and pictures as this will help me with my decision making :smile:
looking forward to hear from you
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I can totally relate!! I'm 5'1" & I have big calves... I hate it! I don't know what happened because when I was younger, my calves were totally fine! It really sucks because I love wearing shorts, skirts & dresses... but my legs don't look too attractive, so I don't wear them as often as I'd like to... I also stay away from skintight leather boots, let's not even go into that territory as I can't even fit those. :crybaby:
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Count me in as someone else who can totally relate! I'm 5'0" even and my calves are massive. They've always been big - I tend to be built more muscular/solid/non-waifish, but I studied & taught Irish dance for years, and now I take swing, and they've only gotten bigger. I can't find a decent pair of knee boots - the only thing I can wear are those stretchy-top kind, which of course I don't care for. It is really frustrating for those reasons, but honestly I am kind of proud of them. When I wear heels, I always get compliments. The way I look at it is, at least our legs have some shape! I don't like to see women's legs that have no calf shape at all and are just stick straight from the ankle to the knee. Bo-ring! Look at some pictures of Britney Spears back when she was hot (pre-hot mess, though!) and really working out, around the time of the 'Slave' video, etc. She had extremely muscular legs and she was totally rockin' it.
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Hi Ashmi99. How do i PM you? I've sent you a request to add on my contact list. I'm thinking of going to Korea to do the same procedure as you. Can you tell me if your reduced legs stayed the same over the years and do your order muscles conpensate and get bigger if you exercise?

Thank you
Miss T
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Hi. I wrote you a message on your visitor message board. Yes, once your legs reach their final size (can take up to a year after surgery), they will stay that way. You cannot "regrow" the muscle. My other muscles have not gotten bigger.
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hey there
i'm having trouble msg u on this forum, just joined today. i've been reading a lot of different articles about the procedure. my bf will not allow me to but like u, i would do this for myself. i tried to add u as a friend...maybe u need to approve me before we can send private msg? anyways pls email me on [email protected] because i would like to ask you some questions. thanks so much.
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it's a myth that big calves come from exercise. sure, they can. but not the type of exercise any of us are doing. it would require a VERY heavy weight lifting routine that targeted the calves specifically, in combination with a very specific diet. all over quite a bit of time.

i have big calves too. and ya know what-- they're genetic. there's nothing i can do about it. i wouldn't dare compromise any muscle i have because that's metabolic tissue (what determines how fast your metabolism is!), and it would endanger strength.

if that girl in the before and after photos supposedly had "big" calves... well, mine are huge :roflmfao:. i'd love to have ones that small! :P
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I totally agree with you about exercise not causing big calves. I hear girls all the time saying how they have big calves from running or doing this or that and they think they can make them smaller by stretching, etc. The only thing that can make them smaller is surgery.
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True, they are genetic and exercise alone won't give you huge calves. But combined with my genetics, years of Irish dance (which focuses almost entirely on lower leg usage) sure didn't help anything for me. :nogood:
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^yeah, it doesn't help shrink them that's for sure :sad:

i think besides surgery, they only thing that works is muscle atrophy. which is very dangerous and would require muscle loss all over the body. in that way, losing muscle from starvation is a lot like losing fat from starvation- you can't lose it from one spot.

i can't say i don't look at girls with "normal" legs and get a twinge of jealousy. sure, at my best i can fit into small clothes and pants... i'm 5'3'' and on the slight side... how come i had to get calves of a 5'11'' track and field star? :crybaby:

ok, whining officially OVER lol
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LMAO! I'm with ya MichelleAntonia! I'm 5'5" and I feel like I have the biggest calves ever! They don't look big but I can't even wear tall boots! I swear if I had small calves I would own like 100 pair of tall boots, so maybe its a good thing I have big calves... LOL... my calves are due to sports though and lifting
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