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I agree with you. That's why I'm posting PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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hey keropi i didnt see anyone that i could definitely say had come from dr parks surgery. in the waiting room there were a few girls waiting could have been there to have a post op check up, as their noses didnt look too bad -like they didnt look like they needed surgery at all.
i cant be sure tho. sorry
the lack of b4 and after photos makes me pretty anxious, but given its credentials im leaning towards getting my nose done there.
after i go back to aus and make some inquiries, ill be back here in June/july. i guess it'll be then that i make my final decision, having seen all the potential surgeons.
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i actually dont know what materials they use. im beginning to wish i brought a voice recorder with me. i think its either goretex or cartilage. (more liekly the latter).
from what the doc said to me they seem to prefer the closed procedure -he was warning against potential scarring if i opted for the open procedure (which would give me much better results); in fact he said i can go without an open procedure if i didnt want to reduce by alar base (nose width) as the umbrella op would sorta effect that slightly. he said that the open procedure can leave scars, which will be scarcely visible for those with thin, fine skin, but for those with thicker skin like mine may not heal as invisibly.
i think if you have a wider nose you'd require an open procedure to have the best effect. im in contemplation right now

best to email them keropi
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Hey Jas3n,

When you say that the nose job is 4 million Won, do you mean for all the procedures that you would like (heighten, alar, straighten) , or is it that just the price for any nose job?

Thanks.. we all have LOVED your posts!
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I have another question for you. Can I set up the surgery for the same day as my initial consultation? How ahead of time do we need to tell the docs what date we would like for the surgery... I know many of us will not have too much time to spend overseas.

Thanks again!
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Hey! I havent been posting as Im just trying to take all this in, obviously surgery in korea doesnt seem as straight forward as it sound, I guess it doesnt help with us not being able to understands it language.
This is the only real reason that will put me off going to korea because its so dam hard to get information on plastic surgeons over there.

So jas3n are you now thinking of having your nose done in aus? I guess you've had first hand experience in korean surguries and you're not too impressed, I dont blame you either judging from what you have written.

ANYWAY i have a mates that have a mate who lives in korea and said that he'll introduce me to her - maybe i can become chummy and ask her to translate and maybe ask her if she know of any good plastic surgeons OR bad ones!
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ooooh, I just remembered! Jas3n, if you're gona go to Ozclinic soon, please could you ask Dr Park's name y his name isnt on the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery please :tender: , cause I read on one of the consulation pages that someone asked him why his name wasnt on the list, (when he had actually stated that he is on the society), he replied saying that he'll make sure they'll put his name up, but I checked last wk, and I cdnt find his name (cd be me not inputing his name correctly, but not sure). Wd really appreciate it if u cd find out if he is actually an affiliated member. And I hope he gives a valid reason, cause I doubt the society can make such a big mistake not putting his name down on the list is if he really a member. Thanks sooo much!!!:party:
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hey maskd2003 its pretty flattering to know my posts have been helping all of you out. just with your question:
the 4 million won quoted is for everything:
docs fees, anaesthetist, post op medicine (like Painkillers),
theatre fees (which i dont think is an issue here as most clinics have their own operating theatre), material fees too (like goretex or even ur stitches)
some places include even a 'free' single day/nights stay for some in the recovery room in the fee.
The ONLY place that didnt include everything in the fee if i remember right was CM, which because it was cheapest didnt include the medicine costs.
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a few ppl asked that on the 'consultation' pg of either Dr jungs and Dr parks forums i think; the docs said yes. i think in most cases there would be 2 consultations (or three) if everything necessary couldnt be fitted in the 2. if ur an overseas patient id guess your online consultation would possibly be the equivalent of the initial consultations iv been having, except in less depth. so basically you may be FORGOING the chance to meet the doctor first before you've become financially committed to the operation.(i.e. paid deposits, booked airfares, accomo)

if you're COMPLETELY certain on the doc/clinic you want, like you know they're good b/c you've had friends who've done something there RECENTLY, it seems to be ok to do both on the one day, so long as you asked all relevant questions in an online/phone consultation even.
Not sure if normally theyd need to x-ray your nose first though which could then require 2 consultations (as an x-ray needs time to develop) b4 surgery. Maybe bonniec knows something more about this!

On the whole im not sure if this is a good thing to do if you are NOT YET COMPLETELY SURE of the surgeons reputation, methods, results, and feel comfortable with teh doctor personally. most of you are likely in that boat
So the best thing would be to either go there first midway through the yr to meet one or several docs ur interested in. then book ur next appt date/surgery at the end of yr. This is what i intend to do -another initial consultation would be useful once iv checkout out australian clinics.

The other question you had:
Im quite sure whatever the case may be you'd need to book ur surgery day b4 u come here, and pay a deposit -i think Clinic 9 or VIP told me to book like no less than 4 weeks before surgery -end of yr is a pretty busy time for clinics as ppl -young girls especially get things done after finishing high school or uni for the yr while they have holidays -and while they can recover wthout being seen. Right now is uni holidays for them which is the same as australia.

For those of you who are waiting on my Ozclinc report:
There are two others id like to see, hopefully on thursday:
Ozclinic of course
AT Aesthetic CLinic in Seocho Gu which is the neighbouring suburb to Gangnam. 2 of the doctors there are in the ISAPS:
16 korean docs in total have credentials with this society, so 2 in one clinic is awesome. Hopefully they speak good english!
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lol this thread is truly alive and kicking
i went away snowboarding for one day and when i got back..whoa lots of things to write back to all of a sudden:sweatdrop:

im thinking if i found good and experienced surgeons where the cost iwould be equivalent or the difference in cost minimal (like $500) to korea then i'd do it back home.
i like some things about korean surgeons like the fact that they do so many operations which i dont think can be easily matched overseas.
also the fact that its a lot more competitive here could not only result in lower costs, but also surgeons attempting to provide better services for what you pay.
but yeh the language barrier is a major obstacle as is unfamiliarity with the the docs and the korean plastic surgery scene.

ur last point about trying to get an intro to a korean mates mate is a good idea. at clinic 9, the doctor suggested if i had a korean friend to translate that would be perfect as some of the doctors here, while not good english speakers were and are skilful surgeons.
myself. im tossing up whether or not i should enlist my korean friends' help with finding a good surgeon..a bit hard considering every time they come here they;re busy working 9-5; and personally for me its a bit hard admitting to wanting surgery to other guys, particularly ones i dont know that well.
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lol ill be in korea in June/july provided i dont fail any mid year exams and have to resit them. so im happy to meet up if u'll be around..that also applies to anyone non random from this forum too i guess :jammin:
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Oh Jason!
thanks so much!
Most likely I will be there sometime in June or July... if I don't plan earlier.. It'll be so nice to know someone who is going to go through the same stuff.. can you email me at [email protected] just so we can keep in contact, for when I do go? I can send you a picture of me later... just so you know I'm not a weirdo or anything.
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Yup you're quite right jas3n, I mean I would love to meet up and get to know this korean girl BUT its going to be like, 'Hi, nice to meet you.. oh im planning to have surgery in korea can you help me?' One its abit rude and sudden and also like I was saying earlier in the thread, I dont really want many people know I want this done ESP if its a mate of MY mate - which so happens to be my best friend! - Daaaaam

I'll see how it goes, good luck to you and maskd2003..i think you're going to be the first of us to go have it done now? ** fingers and toes crossed **
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hey keropi i saw that post too..hmm so he hasnt got his name up there is it? i'll ask that question too when i go..hopefully today. if he gives me the same answer -that he is a member, and if he doesnt have any physical certificates like on the wall or anything i' guess we could write to the KSAPS to find out the truth. they should settle this question once and for all.
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