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His doctor's fee ranges from 17K to 22K. There are other fees like anesthesiologist, facility etc. Overall, expect to spend around 30K.

There are 5 to 6 months wait just to see him. You have to call. I've tried emailing and I didn't get any response. If you tell them that you want surgery right away and you're pretty sure that you want Dr T, they might accommodate you. Depending on their available spot, maybe you can get your surgery within a month or two.
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There were no 110V outlets in Korea. You have to bring a converter. ;)
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thanks kimosa, i'll make sure i find one.

has any one stayed in an admissions room after their surgery? was it comfy and is it enough room for a friend to stay with you?
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so that means that if i want to have surgery with him next year may i should probably call in january to make an appointment?

30K! that's like a whole semmester of private university tuition! so operation alone(does not include transportation cost, hotel cost, etc.) cost 30k? that's a lot!
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ok I did alot of communicating with his PA Pat golden, shes VERY hard to get hold of! ANYWAY.. i was going to dr toriumi until she warned me that dr toriumi expects to see you 3 weeks after the op and a furthur 3 monthy checks and then a futher 2 every 2 months after. I'm guessing this is to check for warping and stuff? If you don't live near Chicago then its gona be very difficult in terms of time and money to travel! I just can't the post op check ups along with the actual op itself. The one year deswelling is also offputting for me... dam i want a time machine! Anyway good luck!
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yeah it took me 2 weeks to get a hold of Pat Golden and get an appointment.

meowgirl, won't it be tougher to have your rhinoplasty oversea? let's say you have some concerns. how can you have your doctor examine you?

I don't think you have to strictly follow the schedule. Maybe you can just see him like every 4, 5, 6 months or whatever is convenient for you. He already did the surgery so there's nothing he can really do if you don't show up as often as he wanted. On the other hand, I also think that seeing him from time to time is a good idea so you will know if you're healing at right direction.

voix, if you're having a primary, the fee should be more on the lower range so 30K can possibly cover your transportation and accommodation.

Where are you two from? I'm from NY.
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I've been following this forum for a while. And THANK YOU everyone for sharing your experiences and knowledge!!!!! I've wanted a nj since I can remember, but wasn't serious about it until I came across this forum. Reading your posts and other journal articles have made me confident that I can make an informed decision about the type of nj that I want to get.

I am currently thinking about doing rhino with a doctor who uses a L-shape implant and inserts it with the closed method. He's also using the silicone implant made from Korea which is softer than the American ones.

(or anyone who can answer): I read through your posts regarding your L-shaped implant and I have a few questions --

You said that closed method with an L-implant can increase the risk of extrusion, is that the only disadvantage to the closed method?

Since the doctor is using a softer implant, then does that decrease the risk of extrusion?

You mentioned that L-implants are not for wide noses because it can look fake. Can you explain that more? Are you referring to a person who naturally has a wide base or wide bridge or both? (I have a non-existent bridge, and a fairly wide and bulbous tip/base) -- Do you recommend it?

Does your nose feel differently than before you got the implant in? (example, do you feel the implant in your nose when you blow your nose/smile?)

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Hiya MrLatte

Yes TOTALLY agree with you, Im from the UK, so ANY doc i go too will be a pain to visit for post op reasons. I dont really trust the ones in the UK, they only deal with western noses. Yeah, pat kinda scared me and said, u do know you have to come back regular.. can you handle that? I like... god... i can barely scrape the dr's fee on loan let alone flying out for regular checks.

Did u have your nose done by him?
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I can see them wanting to see you often for followups but I think it's unreasonable for them to expect to see you that much afterwards, especially considering alot of people are coming from out of town. I'm assuming people are coming from out of town because he's a famous doctor, not just some local doctor only.

Of course if you really want your nose done by him, I say go for it. The only thing is make sure you have money to go back to see him once or twice in case your nose is giving you problems & for a couple of checkups :smile:
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yeah too expensive! Also dr t is well know for 'overbuilding' your nose to compensate re absorption, most his patients don't their nose settled within 6 months minimum... i can't go into hiding and looking 'swollen nosed' for that long... 1-3 months..ok... but 6 -12.. thats a heck of a commitment. And yes, i would rather go and have it done well for the sake of a good lifelong nose... sigh.....
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I would highly discourage you from getting L silicone through closed. The chance of extrusion with closed is WAY high and chance of shifting will be high too. I think when noses are wider at the base, it's just too obvious, because the implant can look like a stick. Whereas, if your nose is narrower or not so wide naturally, it can be hard to tell that it's fake.
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