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I've been reading so much stuff on asian eye stuff. Apparently a brow lift would also make your double eyelid crease look deeper and higher. I wonder if people in their twenties should do a browlift? Isn't that a bit extreme?
Also, I'm guessing that you shouldn't go to a doctor who isn't specialized in Asian eyelid procedures?
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Hi Guys im new in this forum im planning to get a rhino this comming march in manila if who ever know a trusted rhino surgeon in the philippines pls pls pls i need u guys support its my first time so im really scared to have my nose messed up by not good dr.thank u in advance for any reply
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Theres a lot of good surgeons in the philippines. Make sure that the surgeon you pick is PAPRAS member. the one advocate of goretex in the philippines has a lot of negative comments from another forum.
I'm from the philippines and I just had my rhino 8 months ago. I love it and it looks so natural. I had silicone implants and alar plasty. yesterday i had my cheek implants done by another doctor. better that my nose doctor,. he is well known also for pretty asian noses.
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Anyone planning to go to Seoul for surgery? If so please email me- I'm looking for someone to go with, share the cost of hotel, etc. Most importantly for moral support so we are not doing it alone. I lived in Seoul and can speak korean and know a lot of the doctors. During recovery we can go sightseeing and shopping together!
If interested, please msg me! Thank you!
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Hello.. would just like to ask people around here for your advice or views on this...

Do you all think that it is unethical or irresponsible for one to deny / hide that he or she has undergone cosmetic surgery when he or she has actually done it?

I have been grappling with this issue for a loong time and this issue has been troubling me for quite sometime. Personally, I am keen on getting a nose job (rhinoplasty) this coming August... However, I am going to hide my nose job from friends (hoping that they won't find out) and if they ask.. i might just deny it/ shrug it off.... i really admire people who have the guts to tell everyone that they have had something done to their nose...but i don't gave the guts to do so.. i am not trying to imply that having a nose job is something shameful.. but I am just uncomfortable that people would know and this might invite gossips.. or people who might not know you well will think differently of you if they knew u get a nose job.

I have communicated this issue with my doctor for quite a number of times and he said that he would give me a change that is subtle... (that's my personal preference, don't want something dramatic.. i just want an improvement)

I am doing this surgery for myself as I really do not like how my nose look.. but I don't want people to know about this (except for my family members and boyfriend)... do you all think that it is possible?

Any advice on how to conceal/ hide a nose job too?

would really appreciate if people here could give me their advice / views... i am really troubled over this issue.. i wonder if people contemplating a nose job or have gotten a nose job feels the same way that i do... (the irony of wanting an improvement and yet afraid that people would know you have had cosmetic surgery.)

i hope you all would know where i am coming from... thanks. pls give me ur views! thx thx..
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I'm interested, by the way, where do you live now? I think of going to Korea this summer, between May and June. What clinic do you want to go? Do you have a email that we can talk further?
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I don't think people will recognize your new nose, in America, plastic surgery is not common as Korea. Before I know that they have plenty of procedures for plastic surgery, I cannot recognize a person that undergo plastic surgery (except if they have a really dramatic change, example jaw reduction, liposuccion etc). Someone who knows what is plastic surgery can recognize that you undergo plastic surgery but is very rare to see them. Your friends will just say that you look much better that before.
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Hey guys,

I just got a mandible angle reduction and rhinoplasty with sillicon this past tueday with Dr Wong. I was very surprised cause I was expecting to be in alot of pain but i'm not at all...but i do feel alot of tightness around my face because of the bandages....plus my whole face is swollen...i think the hardest part for me was waking up from surgery...my throat really hurt from the lack of water and the breathing tube during surgery and also i feel really dizzy from not being able to eat anthing but liquids...im starving...anyways if any of u have any questions feel free to ask!!!! i wish i had the opp to ask questions to someone before my surgery
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Hi Nissy! Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I haven't been on here forever. I'm thinking about doing the nose and maybe the eyes?? Yes, I live in the states so maybe we can meet at the airport or somewhere in Seoul and go from there. My e-mail is [email protected] if you want to send me a direct msg. Otherwise, I'll just visit back here when I can.
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Hey wannabepretty18 :smile: Sorry for my late reply. Yeah, if you decide on going to Korea, you should come with us. I think the more, the merrier. I'm sure the doctor will pay more attention to us if there's more patients to impress or so I would hope. And I heard groups can get discounts. Anyways, I heard the same thing about OZ clinic. I'm still debating on where to go. I'm not too familiar with Dream Clinic yet, but it seems like a good possibility.
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You can just get surgery with the one eyelid if it persists. I'm not sure about the blanket thing cuz I do that sometimes and that doesn't seem like a likely factor. Anyways, maybe you can try some eyelid tape first? to see if it will increase the size of ur lid before you go to the surgery tactic. But if not, it'll probably be cheaper to get just one eyelid done. Just make sure you follow the golden rule, pick a doctor who knows what he's doing.
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hi missingj. there might be 3 of us going to seoul together so it'd be good if u joined, too. i agree that moral support would be beneficial. when are u available to go?
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