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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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I had non-excision ptosis correction+upper and lower fat graft.
However, it was practically a month ago, then until now I haven't had any problem (reabsorption etc..).
To tell you the truth, I had inquired about, but what I realized (I do not know if I understand correctly) is that the eye area is not subjected to the stress to which it is subjected the rest of the face (for example, the nasolabial crease).
I haven't had any problem with swelling, more than anything else, I had bruises, I have one under my left eye, that it's not yet entirely disappeared, but I only have a small spot.
I've never taken arnica or bromelain, because I could not find them in any pharmacy! I've only taken a "mysterious" supplement that I bought, and that probably contained bromelain, but I don't know what it was, because I only remember that I asked for something for the swelling and the pharmacist gave me that product.
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Hello dear Thinkpink17, can i know that did you get your epi revision done with Dr Ahn? Can share with me about your experience? or if you dont mind, can you email me your b/a pictures? [email protected]
I've really bad epi scars :sad: and im searching for the best doctor who can 'save' me and give me a new life. Can you give me your email address if you dont mind? I've many questions that i really wanna to ask you because im looking for a doctor for my third double eyelid revision and dr kang is one of the doc which is in my list..
your help would be greatlyyy appreciated. :smile:
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Hi Thinkpink17. How was your surgery with Dr. Kang? Would you mind sharing your experience? Thank you!
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hi, i think it depends more on doctors skills than on individual. i mean unless one is ill/weak or something. I've seen an old ladys ba pic that still look good after 2 years.(but she injected a few times) did you ask dr.kang how long its gonna last? he told me it'll last for 15-20 years and its permanent but he told my friend that it'll last for at least 5 years and its semi permanent (they had face to face consultation)

most doctors will say that what you see is what you get after 3 months..but sometimes even after 6 months or a year, the fats continue to absorb. so dont get too happy/convinced if a doctor shows you a good BA pic of fg on eyelids..find out how long it has been for the after pic. the longer the better.

i wish it'll be long lasting too, but theres really no answer to this unless doctors follow up on their patients for years.

oh and fat grafting into the orbital septum is kinda risky in case you dont know.
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Oh... I didn't know it was risky. What are the risks? I'm scared to find out....When I consulted with Dr Kang we didn't go into the risks much. I just thought the downside was the reabsorption. He said in my case I would have much better results with the fat grafts.
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Did you have a translator with u during consultation? I had fat graft on upper eyelids. It has been 6 months and it stays solid still. Bruising is definitely with fat graft. It does takes a while to clear.
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Oh i see. I can speak Korean. Some doctors I've consulted tried to avoid fat grafts but I didn't get that impression from dr Kang. Because I was surprised I had so many things to do at once I didn't go into details of asking about the fat graft as I had so many other questions. I hope dr Kang is very skilled in the graft. I heard there is a lot of bruising and swelling and you can't heat or ice pack.
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I could not PM you. Are you doing primary or revision surgery? July which date if you don mind me asking?
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I wonder why I can't PM or why others can't PM me. Can someone teach me how to do it? As of now its July 26th. I'm still fine tuning my travel and coordinating my family's travel so its not 100% definite. I don't know how my recovery will be but if I'm able to go out and about I can help others with translation if the timing works.
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Thanks for prompt response. I believe you need to make at least 10 posts and after 5 days, you can start to PM. Just realized you are new to forum.

I will PM you again next week. :smile:

I am doing revision too. Dr Kang should be good with fat graft since he had done so many revision cases. In this thread, there are testimonials from the following:-

Seen (asian eyelid thread)
Assai79 (soompi)

Thinkpink17 and itsumobaby had their surgeries abt 2 weeks back but have not heard from them yet.
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Good luck in your surgery, it would mean a lot to us if you should share your results with us : )
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