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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi..i wanted to ask for those who have had nose surgery (not implant)..i know that nose swelling after surgery make the nose looks big..just wanted to know if the swelling makes the nose looks as before surgery??
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Am back!

Am ****tily behind on everything back home so will update in more detail when I have the time, but for those of you who are recovering from alarplasty/will be going for alarplasty I HAVE A WARNING FOR YOU!! Make sure your stitches are cleaned thoroughly and I mean THOROUGHLY and make sure you choose a clinic which offers cleaning of the inside of your nostrils post-op if the incision's in your nose. My incision was on the inside of the nose and gauze and blood got stuck between the stitches. So you can imagine I got the shock of the year when I looked up my nose today and realised that while the nose has healed on the outside there're like literally two pieces of flesh flapping happily away in my nostril, because the dried blood and gauze prevented the flesh from healing together as one.. This also means that one side of my nostril is bigger than the other and flares more too.

On a sidenote, anyone in the UK knows anyone who can help with this??
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Nope, mine looks different despite being swollen.
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Is there any material that won't make your nose feel hard to the touch? If I only went in for a tip plasty would that prevent me from being able to do a piggy-nose?

Also, for the bridge, is it possible to get a small increase in height without the use of implants? Like shaving the bone and narrowing it slightly?
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I asked the same thing to my doc. I didn't want an implant and since I was doing osteomy (narrowing bone), and the doc said he was going to shave the bone down, I hoped he would've said it would be fine without the silicone.

Unfortunatley for me, with the tiplasty it would push up my nose a bit and create a bump (like a pig nose). I agreed seeing how unnatural it looked, and got the smallest 2mm implant to just make everything smooth. So far, results look good!

Hope this helps. :smile:
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Hey kisskissbangbang,
I'm 19 days post op on rhinoplasty and my tip seems huge and even.. I was wondering if you had experienced that as well?? I have a i-shaped silicone and ear cartiledge for tip.. But i've been crying myself to sleep cause the tip seems so huge and uneven!!! :sad:
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Hey lovelola!

Did you try emailing your PS clinic and provide them with photos? I remember you said you had osteotomy so swelling is to be expected. The tip will look big for the first few months and can take up to a year to go down completely.

Unless it's significantly much bigger that it made your nose look disproportional from the rest of your face, you dont have to worry so much about it. My tip is slightly angled to the right by 1mm too. Not sure if its the swelling but I try to nudge it a bit to the left from time to time.
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Hey Lacryssa! thanks for the email btw! sorry i didnt get a chance to respond.. ive been swamped with work.. when i have time, i'll send u a pic of my nose (maybe tonight).. bahh, i'm so sad!! Im going to see the DOC this coming Monday so we'll see what he has to say.. My swelling def did go down, but i'm like 19 days post op and im so insecure! more then ever... I have a small face so.. it seems like the only thing ppl see is my nose !!!!
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Hi All, I am going to get a alar base reduction and nasal hump shaving in may, I was just wondering are there difficult procedures to do? I chose a doctor who has 20+ years of being a generalist, but I don't think he's a specialist in anything, he has really good price and from what I got so far, above average reviews. I'm a student, so price is a big factor, I just wonder if those two procedures necessarily REQUIRE a specialist or are they fairly common surgeries? Thanks.
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May I know those that did their nose including bone narrowing and shaving of the hump, do u lost feeling and sensation of the nose. Not able to feel it and the tip and nose is stuffy??
roughly how long does the swelling goes down for u and do ur face feels tight because of the nose swelling??
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Aww don't worry!

I'm now a little more than 1 month post-op and I have the same feelings/issues as you. Although I am satisfied, I wish my alar nasal width and tip was a bit smaller/narrower. I did osteotomy, i-shape implant, and ear cartilage for the tip.

I did a bit of research and found this guy who had rhino, as you can see his 7month post op nose is still very swollen, and after 3 years it finally went down. Of course swelling is different for everyone but I wouldn't worry to much about it until after a year?

AND my nose is uneven, it points more towards the right .. but I can see its very slowly going back, and one of my alar looks a bit misplaced, not symmetrical.. LOL wow now that I think about it CRAP.. ! Although, I had prepared myself for this, I didn't expect perfect results so maybe I'm not so depressed about it.

I hope the photo gives you hope, it does for me! lol
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I did my nose via rib rhinoplasty in 2011 and it has drastically changed. My friends say that my nose is tiny now, and slimmer. The tip is shorter than in the beginning, which is a little disappointing, but hey, can't argue with a slim and tiny nose. So yes, if you had rib done then expect changes even after the first year.
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from ur post it seems that the rip cartilage had been reabsorbed ?
How was the changes like? is it uniformly distributed or drastically eg within 6 months changes could be observed and it eases and subtly continue to change?
pardon mine curiosity..
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