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Asian Nose Job 3

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Sorry this isn't relevant to nose jobs, but I think I might end up getting a genioplasty to correct my deviated chin - but is this a simple procedure? Does it require an aesthetic eye to determine the ideal placement? I could easily find a doctor here in North America to do it, but since I'm Asian, I wonder if going to Korea is worth it more?
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Yes, those are good prices without her referral. Anyway, how are you doing? I know that it's been awhile since you had your surgery but are you still swelling or has it 100% gone away? Out of topic, I am just wondering if you clarified your rift with Nicole. She does seem nice online so it really would be something to look after for if she's different in person.
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Lol! VIP nose. That is definitely one thing I wouldn't want myself - to come out looking like previous patients. I would like my nose to be specifically designed for me based on my features and my angles. Although I have a few celebs who I admire, I wouldn't want to force having their noses if it won't suit me.

There email is listed inside the grey box next to "online counsel" :smile: its [email protected]
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Can someone tell me if this is silicon or rib? My step-mom had hers done in Vietnam (She's Vietnamese) She says it's cartilage harvested from around her tail bone (never heard of this before). She'd done it with Dr Tu Dung in Vietnam for USD $3000

I don't believe it's rib, the shadow that it casts looks like a silicon implant. And there was no tip work. It's still bulbous at the tip and no alar work done either. Also, there's no scaring at the collumella. Sort of like a closed rhinoplasty. Is this possible with this kind of cartilage?

My dad wants me to have a consultation with this doctor. Just on what this doctor thinks I need work on. But I have my mind set on either Dr Kunachak or Dr Somboon in Bangkok which I feel would be much more safe. Plus I've seen a video by Dr Dung doing a silicon implant and it's horrible. Just a standardised implant shoved in your nose.

The photo is maybe 2 weeks after surgery so it's a bit swollen. But you guys are experts.
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I think that the experts you are referring to are the advertisers/promoters of the different clinics here on the forum (come out! come out! wherever you are...:search:) ha ha ha

Let me bring out my trusty xray vision glasses:supacool:

Wait! It is not working.

Kidding aside. I don't think that there's anyway to guess whether its silicon or rib cartilage based on a photo and shadows. In fact, even if I could feel it, I don't think that I would be able to differentiate between the two. I do remember watching video you mentioned (weren't you the one who posted it? I forget...) but I haven't heard of a closed rhino using rib.
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Yes it was me.

My step-mom has the tendency to exaggerate and thus not tell the truth in some instances. But I remember her telling me she did not want any foreign products in her body, so I doubt she would lie about this. But what if the doctor is a freud? I mean, I've never heard of rhinoplasty using bone from the back bone. And plus, the doctor is Vietnamese. And he's had training from Dr Kim (I think that's his name) using the Korean methods for rhinoplasty. But it's not always easy to trains dogs to learn new tricks so he would retain some of his old skills.

I'm going to Vietnam again sometime in August so I'll have a look at her nose again and go have the consultation just to please my dad.

Have you done your nose yet?
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Diddo! You are the first person I heard of using the tail bone for rhinoplasty. Maybe the surgeon was scared of puncturing her lung and got it somewhere else? I dunno. Did she have documentation to show that she had her implants from down there?

I haven't done my nose yet. I am hopefully going to go get it done by the end of this month. Haven't changed the clinics I plan to consult with and I still favor Pitangui over the others just because my friend went there but it will all still depend on how it goes during the actual consultation.
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I am not comfortable posting it here. When I post at least 10 post, I will PM you asking for your email and then I can send you my pics

Haha don't let one unhappy experience put you down. There are people who want revisions but there are also many others that are happy with the final results. Like I said, mine came out big, but I did see a few while I was there that came out looking different, more on the slim side even with rib cartilage.

I will definitely stop by JW for a face to face consultation and ask for Yumi. Thanks for the tip! Anyway, I previously mentioned JW quoting me 5000USD and then I replied using simple English "Revision, rib cartilage nose" and they told me it's 8000USD. That's the price for my primary nose job... Dang. Hopefully going there physically would be better for them to understand my exact request.

Thank you for the email!
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I am doing great! Had my surgery on 4th April so I am just 1-month post-op. My recovery has been a breeze, there wasn't any blood/mucus dripping out at all and my wounds healed quickly. Most of the swelling is gone but I still need a few months for a sharper and more defined tip so I cant wait!

Met most of my family and friends and they all commented on how natural my nose looks. Most of them noticed the change in my eyes first. People who I've just met couldn't tell I had something done, which is good! Positive response so far and I am happy about that. Except for one cousin who told me he needs time getting used to it hahahaha. He didn't recognize me at the first glance!

I didn't contact Nicole anymore afterwards. Felt that it wasn't worth continuing the correspondence but then I am a passive person to start with. Not sure how to word it without offending her or coming off as too sensitive as well. Had my surgery anyway and everything's done so not much point in there.
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I was initially quoted $5000USD ($5.5mil won) for a primary rhino alone too. Got a package price and everything was reduced though. I am not too surprised at the price for rib revision. Primary rib alone is already expensive.. On top of a revision.. @-@

Where and when did you get your primary rhino? I've heard you need to wait at least a year for rib rhino to fully deswell..
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VIP. It will be over a year by the time I go at the end of this year. I really hope whatever the total is, won't be over 5k. Still a college student here :cry:
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AONE Clinic

If you read my previous post, you'll understand my problem with them. This is the reply I got:

"I will give you the price range, but the chance is high that Dr. Kwon wouldn't do rhinoplasty only. He thinks overall design of a face is most important.

Revisional rhinoplasty $4,500
Forehead & eyebrow lift: $5,000
Fat injection: $2,000
Liposuction: $2,000"

At least now I know for sure that they are off my list.

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That is good to hear! I wouldn't want to look all too plasticky myself and would like to look as natural as well. I just had to ask about the nicole issue because I'm going to go with my friend and she might treat her the same way. So I am trying to learn from others to try to avoid having to go through the same issues.
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No problem on the email.

:nogood: I remember receiving similar emails to a couple of clinics I inquired to. There are times when I would "understand" what they were trying to tell me. "The outcome of your nose surgery will be enhanced even more if you do this and that since the nose is just a part of the whole face...." But then again, I don't get why they have to be soooooooo persistent in having us do auxiliary surgeries when we already said no. I mean, "no" is already universal as is and even saying "아니 (ani)" won't back them down.

Some clinics may have good reviews, but if money is their driving factor, then I would head the opposite direction or go next door to find clinic who will be as passionate as me about making me beautiful.
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Thanks for all these ideas! I'll definitely make a shortlist of the clinics that are appealing to me and email their consultants. On your location it says you're from China? Mind sharing your personal experience with rhinoplasty? :smile:
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