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My experience with BANOBAGI

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That's exciting! which doctor did you choose? what are you having done and what is the cost? please tell me everything.. :smile:))
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I'm flying on Wed, so I will there from 9-17 Dec. the time is very short so I'm just getting rhinoplasty and I have to remove my stitches in SG. Cast and outer stitches removal in 5 days and inner stitches (SG) in 10 days.
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Hello! Im just back from my medical trip from seoul. Since there is a lot of pros and cons in this forum, so i guess it will be helpful if i share my experience with you all!

I engaged Docfinderkorea for my first trip of plastic surgery! I wanted to do rhinoplasty, fat grafting, and genioplasty. We talked through email and whatsapp before i go there. Shin from Docfinderkorea give me the list of the recommended clinic and price for each clinic.
And i end up choosing Banobagi and pay deposit to secure the surgery date.

Shin arranged a cab to pick me up at the airport, and we met at Banobagi. He accompanied me during the whole consultation, xray and bargaining. For bargaining, it actually depends on your bargaining power. In my case, Shin told the consultant to give me the best price, but you yourself have to bargain more, because the price given depends on the consultant. I was quoted 9mil for both rhino + fat graft. But i managed to lower it down to 7mil. I know that banobagi is quite pricey as compared to other clinics, but i thought i dont mind paying more to get the best result.

About Banobagi, during consultation with Dr. Lee, what i feel is that he is damn busy. The consultation lasts about 5 mins i think. I feel like he just want to shoo me away. We didnt even discuss about what type of nose i want, until i ask him so. I showed him what kind of nose i want, very sharp, long and define bridge. He said ok, but long nose doesnt suit me because my face is kinda long. Then i said ok, only the long nose part though. I am now 3 weeks post-op. I honestly not satisfied with my nose bridge, it is not sharp enough, neither it is defined enough. It is just so-so. And the tip looks like i have a short snub nose :sad: fat grafting is fine, i look younger now :smile: i told Shin about my nose, then he is willing to help me to talk to dr.Lee on February, exactly 3 months post op. I hoped that i can get a revision for my poor nose :sad:

Actually at first i want to get genioplasty, because my chin is long and i got underbite. But after consulting Dr.Oh, he said he cannot do the genioplasty, because my nerves is too low. And two jaw surgery is the best option for me. So Shin recommended me to consult to DA, because the doctors is more experienced in jaw surgery. So we went there and consulted Dr. Lee from DA ( i know the name is the same as Banobagi's but dont get confused ok!). Surprisingly, Dr. Lee looks very young and handsome aww. He said that genioplasty without two jaw surgery is pointless. So what he suggested is that i got two jaw surgery and genioplasty, bcs my chin is kinda wide and long. So i thought that he is right, why not fix the main problem instead of hiding it with other surgeries? So i booked the surgery on Feb, and will update you guys of how it is! (And will follow up with Dr. Lee from banobagi on Feb as well) i am damn sad because my nose is not as sharp and defined as what i thought it would be. Bye bye money and time :sad:

So my overall thought about Docfinderkorea is really above satisfactory! Shin accompanied me to every consultation, follow ups, yes you read it right, every visit! And i love it because i managed to get the best price as compared to other clinics, thanks Shin! And he is so damn niceeeeee! So one day when we walk from DA to the dentist, i never wear any shawl and i was shivering. And he took off his and wrap it around my neck. Waaaaaa why so nice! And then when i moved from banobagi guesthouse to hotel, i forgot my charger. Then he brought it right away to my hotel! :smile: he checked on me often through whatsapp, after surgery, the healing process, and even after i reached singapore. I totally recommend Shin to anybody who is going to get their PS in korea :smile:

And i ask him about @pika 's story. So he explained to me, and even show me the text evidence. It is Claire who is behind it. So every clinic price have the lowest and highest range. And the final price depends on your bargaining skills. But she charged more than the hospital's highest range. That is ridiculous :sad: and she even lied that it was Shin who is behind all of this. Crazy. So long story short, claire is now being fired from Banobagi because of the incident and opening her own ps consultancy. Pls pls pls do your homework before engaging any ps consultant.
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Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm planing on going to banobagi also for facial contouring, but not that you said about Dr. Lee from DA. Is it Dr. Lee from delightful anestetic? Is he better than Dr. Oh?
Also if you made a deposit for surgery date wouldn't it be harder to bargain since you already lock into the surgery? I am not good at bargain at all :sad:
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Good luck! Please let us know how it goes:smile:
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Yes, DA stands for Delightful Aesthetic. I think so, because based on my consultation, Dr.Oh refused to do my genioplasty because he said my nerves are too low. Nevertheless, when i consult with Dr.Lee from DA, he said it is possible to do both 2 jaw surgery and genioplasty. I think He is up to more challenges and difficult cases, while Dr.Oh just want a simple and normal cases. And when a doctor is used to more sophisticated surgery, he is no doubt more skillful. Before making a deposit, Shin sent me the quote and the possible discount percentage, so it will be around there. If you are still not sure which doctor to get, it is better to consult first then decide. That time i thought i dont have enough time, so i just YOLO and book banobagi 😂
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Hi, can I know how much were you quoted for 2-jaw from DA & Banobagi? Thanks!
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were you able to get more discount when you go and see the doctor? I'm talking to Docfinder right now they haven't recommend any doctor yet......
This sound kind of random but have you heard anything about limb lengthening in Korea?
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omg! My girlfriend said that you can "break your knees" to have them insert something to lengthen you. Is this what you're thinking of/ talking about?!
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Valencia, Thank you for your response. I booked flight earliest January. I still not sure which clinic to choose. It is great news that I don't have to carry large amount of cash.
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I've done my rhinoplasty yesterday with Dr Lee Hyeon Taek! ^^ Now, so far so good! Today is the first day post op and I'm swelling more around my eyes. I don't seem to bleed much and I can actually breathe quite normally through my nose after removing the gauze. I still have my cast on so I don't how how my nose looks like. Dr Lee used silicon to raise my nose bridge and cartilage from my ear to sharpen my tip and increase the length of my columella. I didn't have alar reduction as both of us concluded that my alar is not grossly wide. Dr Lee also observed that my nose slants to the right. He said that he could not do anything about that because it's part of my facial bone structure, but he said that it wasn't very obvious.

I've started a new thread, Hey Seoul Sisters! Rhinoplasty with DocfinderKorea and Banobagi to talk more about my experience. Check out my post op ugly photos LOL! If you have questions for me, you can post there and I'll try my best to answer and help!
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Pls. ignore the link, moderator has combined the thread with my previous thread. You'll be able to find me there :biggrin:
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