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K Couture's guide to seoul plastic surgery

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Like you I have considered docfinder's service but I am more keen on April31 than their 3 recommended clinics. I have read that April31 is quite firm on their prices. If docfinder can help to get discount without April31 inflating their prices to give commission to docfinder, then perhaps consider their service. I wonder what docfinder earn though.
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I read about that too. April31 prices are pretty steep and they hardly give good discounts. But currently its a clinic which I am very keen in after reading many good reviews on them. I am curious to see what's the rate docfinder will quote me for that clinic. If they are going to quote me like 15mil for just rhinoplasty after including their commission, which I hope not, probably I will have to end up seeking the consultation myself.
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I am actually really interested in Banobagi and Regen that was recommended to me. I was pretty fixed on using them, since I will most likely be going on my own and I dont want to be a complete noob in Korea so knowing that you have someone to contact with in Korea is reassuring. The problem is, I don't really seem to see a lot of experience from either the two cliincs in this forum so I don't know what to expect of them. To be honest, this could be good since its popular with locals and not foreigner? After studying this forum (more than I study my uni textbook :lol:), I am starting to have a second thought if I should go and consult the clinics myself and bargain the price down since everyone have done it. Also, I am planning to go around in August too!

I would imagine they won't get pay a lot though if they are not partnered up together, so I pretty sure they be less incline to help you out unless he somehow arranged something with the clinic or you pay him for the service that he provides since it is a supposed 'free' service with their partnered clinics.
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Hey guys I've been getting alot of pms and messages. sorry I haven't been responding I have really severe vertigo which has been causing me to faint repeatedly. will respond when I'm feeling better xx in the meantime good luck with all your surgical endeavors
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Hi K, rest well. Hope you get well soon.
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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks . Had some artery problem which was causing me to faint repeatedly. But I'm feeling alot better now :smile:
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Banobagi and regen actually do alot of international marketing. But they are also popular with locals too. The only thing about these large clinics is that you have to know who the top specialist in your procedures are. Because large clinics have training surgeons in order to cater for the quantity of patients that come in. Afterall, one surgeon can only take on so many surgeries a day. So always choose the surgeon, not the clinic.
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Hi K Couture

First of all , I'd like to thank you for sharing such a comprehensive and informative information regarding Korean plastic surgery .

Among all of the research and countless blogs I read , yours is the most impressive one! You rock! 👏🏻👍🏻✨✨✨✨✨

I am new to this so u hope I didn't click the wrong button and end up writing a comment on a wrong feed. 😁

My family invited Dr. Park for a future possibility of partnership in jakarta. I met him back in December 2014 , had a consultation then did my own research in what he had suggested to correct my typical Asian short nose.

Thanks to you, I booked an appointment and had my rhino and double eyelid suture + ptosis correction 2 weeks ago.

I was tempted to Kakao you , but I thought sharing my experience may benefit others. I hope.

I have millions of post op questions for you K.
Daphne is such a sweet lady, but now the clinic is short staffed in english speaking translator , so I don't want to piss her as I already asked too many questions. I will just wait for a couple more weeks before I start bugging her and Dr. Park again 😂😂😂

To correct my short nose , Dr.Park did a tip plasty with septal Extention graft and ear cartilage for the tip.

Since I have a mild septal deviation, my nose looks a little crooked and slightly deviated to the left. Back on December when I consulted with him, I asked how best to correct the deviation. He said adding an implant would solve it. I asked him if I need to shave my bone or had a septoplasty, he said no breaking bone and no need septoplasty. An super soft implant in the bridge will mask the deviation.

The day before surgery , I met Dr.Park and showed him X-rays of my panoramic dental x rays to give him some rough ideas of how deviated my septum was. After discussing a few more details , we decided to use either 3 mm to 4mm ultra soft silicone implant for my bridge . And I requested him to sculp me max tip projection that my nose can handle and of course a natural result that proportional with my other facial feature . ( I don't mind sending you picture to your Kakao talk)

Now I am 16 days post surgery. It looks like my major swelling has subsided. I read that our tip will swell much longer and asymmetric tip swelling is also common

However , since the beginning of the time when the cast was taken off up until to this point , I have always notice that my bridge is stil not straight . The tip is centered, but the bridge is still slightly curved. What's worse, because my nose is now higher and the tip projection is now more pronounced, the deviation looks more obvious than my pre op nose.

Was your tip swell asymmetrical as well a few weeks post op?

I love my nose from the side view. The tip projection is good. But I would love it to be a little sharper. Is it because I am still swelling . Will the tip get sharper as the residual swelling improves?

I still have my millions questions, but I think I will start with these two.

Thanks for reading K! I hope I didn't give you a vertigo by reading my long chatty feed! 😅😅
Get well soon !

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I will share my swelling process with you so you may get some perspective.

My first ever rhinoplasty was done in Thailand. Using I shaped silicone. I was very very swollen and after 2 weeks superficial swelling went down. 2 weeks is typical for superficial swelling to subside. Now what exactly is superficial swelling? Simply put, once superficial swelling goes down you will look "presentable" in public. That is, the general public who do not know what your original nose looks like will not see you and say "omg miss thang had a nose job!" However, to your friends and family, and especially to yourself, you know you are still swollen.

My first nose job the results only really started to show 4 months down the track for me. As the weeks went by my nose got more and more shapely. This is because residual swelling takes around 6 months total to subside. During that period is when you see your final results. Have you ever wondered why a good surgeon will never perform a revision rhino until MINIMUM 6 months post op UNLESS there is infection? Well the residual swelling is one of the reasons behind this.

I will add tho that my reconstruction rhinoplasty with Dr Park I barely swelled both superficially and residually. Reason behind this was because my tissues were damaged and thinned out by Charles Lee during my 1st ever revision in Los Angeles. This suggests that if your tissues are thicker, you can expect more and longer period of swelling.

Also, after Dr Park did my nose, the first 2 months it was a curved nose (I had asked for straight) but it looked good so I was not bothered by it at all. To me anything over my extruded nose was a huge improvement. On the 3rd month, my nose actually came down and became straight. So despite how my nose may appear to be not swollen, nontheless there was a degree of swelling that was concealing the final result.

A friend of mine her mum's nose was also very very upturned after Dr Park did her nose. It was her 3rd revison. Even I was concerned when I saw her nose. However, 2 weeks later the nose went down on its own and it started to take shape. Her nose now looks great.

So what I am saying is for now don't worry. You are still considered to be freshly post op. If you are still concerned you can kakao me and I can take a look for you. Having had so many rhinos I can pretty much tell what someone's final results will be like. Anyways, good luck in your healing xx
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Hi Wishingstar

I am new to this forum. I hope you don't mind me sharing info to your feed. And I hope this reply will go to the correct place.

I just came back from Seoul two weeks ago. . My sister and I had some procedure there. My sister had acculift and fat grafting to compliment her mid facelift.
Her prices were:

Acculift : 2.2 millions Korean Won
The incision is done under the cin . Only 0.3-0.5 cm. with only one or two stitches.

Fat grafting for under the cheek bone : 2.3 millions
Harvested from : mid outer thigh. But point entry is from the hip.

Dr. Cho (Jo) Young Woo is the anti-aging specialist who takes care of my sister acculift , midfacelift and the accompanying fat grafting to compliment the procedure .

Hope this help a bit !
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@ddphan ,

hi there. We both went to Dream Plastic Surgery. Don't be confused with the small Dream Clinic headed by Dr. Song Hong Shic.

Our Dream Plastic Surgery is : http://en.e-dream.co.kr

Dr Park Yang Soo is the head coordinator, and owner. He specialised in eyes and nose. Trust me he is good :smile:

My sister's fat graft and acculift were done by:
Attending specialist: Dr. Jo Yong Woo
He is the senior specialist for Anti-Aging , means if you want facelift, he is the senior one.

Acculift and fat graft can be done by a few specialist. Dr Kim Young Joon ( for facial contouring_ , Dr. Park Yang Soo ( for eyes, nose , forehead fat grafting) and Dr. Cho (for facelift ) are all capable of doing it.

My sister did hers to complimen her facelift procedure because she hated how her double chin was starting to droop down .

hope that helps!

ps. which button to hit first so when i reply your old feed will be shown before my fresh reply? i am new to this ... thanks
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