If you keep hearing the same recommendation, it's probably because those are most viable options, even though they may not be options you like. You want to avoid "doctor shopping" which is looking for the surgeon who will just say yes because that may not be what's best for you.
The surgeon has to work with the current state or anatomy of your nose and the quality of your cartilage, and these can expand or limit options in terms of what cartilage to use.
Basics on Cartilage Grafts
IRRADIATED / DONOR COSTAL CARTILAGE = Rib cartilage that came from another
When a surgeon uses a piece of cartilage from your ear, septum or rib, they carve it into pre-defined shapes know as grafts, and these grafts serve different purposes, some for structure and stability, and others for shape and form.
Septal cartilage is strong and sturdy material, and has many uses in rhinoplasty. It can be used in the dorsal / bridge area, but usually it's used in combination with a implant to increase the bridge especially for those with a low bridge. But this also depends on the amount and quality of your septal cartilage.
Septal cartilage is also used in the tip area, and most commonly it's used to help give lift, projection and support to the tip, and ear cartilage is also used because it's round shape and softer material that works well with reshaping a nose tip.
Septal cartilage