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Posts posted by eurasianbeauty

  1. [​IMG]

    That is a breast lift.


    That is a reduction.

    I hope the picture help show the difference. They are very similar but the reduction takes skin and fat out of the breast. The lift is more about the position of the nipple and skin. You can have a reduction AND lift at the same time.

    Mods, please leave these, I didn't use real pictures.
  2. I am doing my nose and lipo too, so three surgeries in all. and I am staying one month. I have looked for other eyes clincs, but I haven't found on that combines skill with price like Opera.
  3. Thank you for you honesty. I am glad I went with my instincts and stayed away from Tony. I am half Black and would not stand for being called names (nor for him to call anyone else a name). There is a large African American population in Korea and many Black people from around the world go to Seoul for surgery. Racism is wrong and being a POC, he should know better than to be racist against other minorities. I am glad the Black people here now know not to go with him.

    Why he would smoke when he has plastic surgery patients in and out of his home is beyond me. For those who don't understand how smoking can impact you, it gets in EVERYTHING. Hair, clothes, fabric... even if he is not in the same room as you, smoke travels through the air and vents. They tell you to not smoke weeks before or after surgery. And second hand smoke has been found to cause cancer. Your immune system is down after surgery. A smoky environment is the last place you should be in. I can tell you this because my mother smoked my entire life until she died. It's disgusting and unhealthy habit (she died from lung cancer).

    Please listen to the audio at least.
  4. She looks better than Kris to me. Kris' nose is horrible. Kris looks like her daughters. Her sister looks like a woman 10-15 years younger than her actual age.

    I do not know why people wait until they look like the Witch of the Waste before they get surgery.
  5. There are quite a few reviews for VIP on realself. And they had enough had personal and extensive pictures and details to satisfy me. If you go to Testimonials then Reviews on their site, the first one is a vlog. Under that are personal pics with reviews from patients. Kind of like Soyoung, but just for VIP.

    Their customer care is almost legendary status. They have their own accommodations which they provide for free. They also do extensive aftercare. I am definitely consulting with them and I will report back about them no matter what I decide.
  6. It's a keloid because the doctor was a butcher. I've had plenty of surgeries and this is my one and only keloid. I tend to heal very nicely.

    Thank you for the warning. I would prefer for it to be cut out altogether. But I was considering other options.
  7. Don't worry, I changed my mind about it. lol Doing all of this looking at my face and taking pictures, I realized that the way my lips are (for the most part) is what I want for my look. I am only having a slight bit of filler put in the bottom one and my Cupid's Bow made more prominent.
  8. Thank you for the quick reply. I will seek it out while I am in Seoul. If that will work then I won't have the scar cut out.

    I read up on it and it seems it can cause more issues like more unevenness, lumps and bumps. I haven't read about it in Korea, so I need to do that. But the results here in the US aren't that great.
  9. US doctors are 10-15 years behind Korean doctors. Find someone who was schooled in Korea if you don't want to go to Korea.
  10. My vline looks like that naturally. I had no clue that things I have naturally people pay for. Almost every clinic I have gone to for my lips (to have them reduced) tell me that people pay for lips like mine. It does happen.

    Just like the nose and eyes I want other people have naturally.
  11. Even if you took the death out of the picture he has botched plenty of people. HE should n't be botching anyone. He also does surgery after surgery after surgery daily.

    It's up to the person to do their own research before surgery. Do what you want, but do it fully informed.
  12. The first one.
  13. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I would never go there based on that alone. That is how people die.
  14. Body liposuction has been the hardest part of my research, tbh.

    Right now I am still with 365mc (their prices aren't as high as I thought), BongBong and TL (good reviews on here and elsewhere).
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