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Posts posted by gats

  1. I would not limit yourself to relying on the surgeon who screwed up your fat graft to fix it, while you need information from him on what layer(s) of your forehead he injected into (under the muscle, under the skin, both?) I think you should see someone who has treated cases like yours before. Based on the realself link Hautelady shared, this sounds like it will be very difficult to treat so a specialist will be needed. Have you consulted with any Korean clinics yet?
  2. Yeah my guess is the stored fat used in the second graft was mostly all dead since fat cells surviving that long in refrigeration isn't likely. You should ask docs on realself on their opinion if lipo would work. In my reply I meant you should post your pics and discuss your surgery history on realself, not that I would do it as that wouldn't be right for me to pretend I was you. I see something was lost in translation there so let me explain: for English if someone uses "I would..." in the manner I used it, the real meaning is to say "I would do this if I were you" not that I would actually do it myself for you. :smile:
  3. @Yiseul, did he use stored fat saved from the first fat graft for your second graft? I think it will be difficult to fix with lipo since the forehead fat layer so thin, just a few millimeters, and lipo itself can cause dents in the skin. I would post these pics to realself to see what the docs on their would recommend, they may recommend steroid (kenalog, 5FU) injection or surgical extraction rather than lipo. Each of those poses its own risks as well. Please do post here when you get this treated as I will be interested to know the outcome, lumps are always a risk with fat graft so I'd like to see how well they can be treated. I hope you can find a doc in Korea who specializes in fixing cases like this. Good luck.
  4. Sorry to hear that. Where and when did you get your fat graft? When did the lumps first become noticeable? Did you have top up procedure to try and even it out? Any chance you can post a pic of your forehead as it's not often we hear about botched FG, most common complaint is the fat doesn't lasts which you probably wish happened in your case.
  5. Thanks for the tips! However I disagree with not negotiating the price. Yes foreigners are charged more than locals and you can't expect to get the same price as locals but plenty of people here have reported being able to bargain with the clinic on pricing, especially if you're getting more than one thing done. There's no downside to trying to negotiate a lower price, the worst that can happen is they say no. You should have an idea of what they usually charge foreigners for your procedure before the consultation.
  6. Just wondering, where did you get your FG from and what did you only get one graft? What was the donor site and when did you start noticing it being bumpy?
  7. Thanks for the review. Aesthetically I can see a consultant knowing what a person will need to look better but the actual technique to achieve it should be determined by the doctor after examination. So it's not a good sign a doc would leave the surgery plan to a consultant. Based on this and other reviews I've seen, I think Fresh does one particular thing well, fat graft, so they want to apply it to everything involving volume. For treating the lower eyelid, there many things to consider and fat graft may not be the best choice there. I recommend looking through this doc's videos in your research, here's one of them: youtube.com/watch?v=C-3mlwGT6Hg

    As for Dr Hong getting offending by your question, I wonder if that's a cultural thing or if he just feels so superior he feels insulted a patient would ask him about his experience? Or maybe he's insecure. IMO you have every right to ask how often he performs a procedure, it's your face after all and you'll have to live with the results the rest of your life. Have other docs you've consulted with reacted like this?
  8. You said earlier the root cause is the way you look, that's not true. All the things you've said: not being able to sleep at night, basing your happiness on approval seeking from others, mind reading others are disgusted by you... these things stem from your own mind. Plastic surgery addresses the outside but the outside will constantly change over your life, any such relief you get would only be temporary if you don't address the real root cause which is how you think, how you interpret things now.

    Let's say there are some people out there who only want to be friends with you based on if you're pretty or not, people who are nice to you only if you're pretty. Why in the world would you want such shallow people as friends? And why are you basing your own happiness on what such people think when this is your life? And if a guy is going to dump you because you have a bad skin day, why would you want to be with such a person the rest of your life?

    I see a fine looking, normal 21 year old woman when I look at your pics, but inside you're deeply unhappy as you have a distorted view. You mentioned earlier your school therapists weren't any help, okay then keep searching as there are a lot of people out there who dedicate their lives to treating people like yourself, there are people that can help you if you look. You can also work on yourself by reading self help books that are recommended for people with anxiety and depression, there's also videos on youtube of people who've gone through when you are experiencing and they talk about how they got better, the help is out there. Please get help, a little filler or surgery to your face isn't going to fix this.
  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sensed something was wrong here. Seeing the way Lonekitty talks about herself and looking at her pics just sets off alarm bells for me that she needs help. Wanting plastic surgery to enhance your looks is fine but avoiding going out, thinking surgery is the only way you'll have a normal life, and thinking people are disgusted by you when they look at you... I think you may have an anxiety disorder that is warping your view of yourself. Plastic surgery cannot fix that and in fact it could make it worse as it'll be a never ending cycling of procedures to fix perceived flaws your mind magnifies. If you hate yourself this much now at 21, I can't imagine how you'll deal with actual aging as you enter your 30s and 40s and beyond. Please talk to a therapist about how you're feeling, your campus should have mental health professionals you can talk with.

    Also about the online boyfriend, I'm getting some catfish vibes here. Have you face timed or talked to him via webcam to confirm he's real? Be careful dear as there are guys out there who get off on pretending to be someone else.
  10. Hmm I don't see that in the rules: # I understand the rule that bans posting another person's personal information for malicious reasons, but her posting her own email is harmless. At the worst spam bots will email her but I don't think that's a reason to ban her, that doesn't make sense. There's kakao spammers, I don't think people posting their kakao IDs should be banned for exposing themselves to spammers.
  11. Seems like you had a problem with her telling the downsides of cheekbone reduction, saying most people know it already so she should not say it, I disagree with you there. There is a risk to every plastic surgery procedure, this shouldn't be a forum were everyone just discusses the pros only and not the cons.

    Also I don't see an issue with she her giving her own email out as it's no different than people giving their kakao id out so people can contact them directly, should they get banned? If she was posting abusive messages with a second account, I trust the mods acted fairly with the ban.
  12. Given your case is more difficult and you want dramatic result, you might be comparing apple to orange prices. With that said Korea has a haggling culture, I would check with people who've been to those clinics you got quotes from if they offer lower prices after you meet face to face and you negotiate the price.

    Given you're a student and one surgery is all you can afford, I'm not sure now is the best time to get this done as I do think revision is always a possibility with any plastic surgery, even if they offered free revision since you have to fly to Korea, it would be expensive. You should think seriously about what would you do if your result wasn't as good as you hoped for. BTW you're only 22, that's young. I know people who've gotten rhino much later in life.
  13. I've seen dramatic changes with noses like yours more often from the Phillipines than I have in Korea to be honest as I think they operate more on noses like yours there compared to Korea. But I'd be scared off from doing surgery there based on their lower medical standards. If you do go with a Korean doc, make sure you see plenty of examples where they transform noses that look very close to yours. If you've contacted clinics already, I'd request they send you such before and afters now to save you the trip.

    Regarding your money situation, I'd keep in mind you may need a revision as that's not uncommon with rhino to get your nose exactly how you want it or to fix a problem from the initial rhino.
  14. Allergan's brand as in botox? 50 units botox for only 188,000 doesn't sound real? 200,000 just for the 11's is way too expensive, in the US you can pay around that much for forehead and 11's together. You should be able to find a ton of clinic in Korea who do botox so I'd keep asking around.
  15. I can imagine you're feeling a ton of emotions, don't let fear stop you. Seems like you've done a ton of research so you should feel confident as you are ahead of most people, imagine those poor souls who show in Seoul and go to one of those factory places because they don't know any better?

    How long are you staying in Korea for? Is it a requirement for you to get both surgeries at the same clinic?
  16. Yes it's possible for some fat to survive, I wouldn't expect 100% though. And survival will be lower on some parts of your face more than others due to facial movement.

    Working out is good for your health, so I'd just start working out today for the new year. When/if you get your fat graft, you can stop for the recommended amount of time, I think it'll be 2 months max.
  17. You'll have to accept fat grafting is unpredictable, there's just so many variables involved from the surgical technique, area injected, to the patient him/herself. Given you have a lot of volume loss, I'd still opt for fat graft since you'd likely pay much more for filler to get the amount of volume you could add with fat grafting in Korea. Unlike filler, at least there's a chance the fat survives. You can always just go for top ups later. It doesn't have to be all or none either, you could touch up certain areas of your face with filler later if needed and you'll need less assuming the fat has survived in other areas.
  18. Experienced docs will recommend being careful not to "chase wrinkles", meaning injecting into the wrinkle may not always be the best way to treat it. For example, for people where the naso folds formed from loss of volume in the upper cheeks, placing some filler in the upper cheeks rather than naso folds would be the correct way to treat it as you're treating the cause rather than the symptom. You can test this out to see if this applies to you by lifting your cheeks a little and seeing how the folds change. You want to be careful though and not place too much filler in the cheeks as that's a bad look I see often in the US with fillers, even on docs themselves. I've rarely seen that overdone filler look from Korean clinics.

    @K Couture, great to hear you found your solution! QQ is a filler? I haven't heard of it before and a search yielded no results. Can it be dissolved? What's the pricing like and where did you get it done at?

    While the downside is it doesn't last as long, I assume the outcome is more predictable than fat grafting. Given how it feels, I'm curious if they only recommend injecting that to certain bony parts of the face (ex. forehead, cheekbone) and not others.
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