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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I'm happy new patient. You're a brave man. I also plan to go on the operation. At this time raising money. My doctor said that my surgery worth 6.800.000 Korean won. Where are you staying? How do you find yourself now? I will be glad to see your new feet) Please don't go away. Write about everything)
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Haha, ffxlulu, I thought to myself that you must have done a lot of shopping to have spent that much. With the flight from Canada, this price makes a lot of sense!
I just finished school, so my plan is to travel for a few months around New Zealand, Australia, and parts of Asia. I'll have a chance to see a good chunk of the world before finally arriving in Korea. I've managed to save a ton of money, and I'm thinking of leaving in mid-November.
I'm still very undecided about this surgery - the thought makes me really nervous. But then I just think about how dissatisfied I am with my calves, and have been for as long as I can remember. Reading the posts on this forum have been so helpful, and are definitely influencing my decision to just go for it.
ffxlulu, how are you doing now? :smile:
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cranberri100 - Ya, flight alone costs $2000 for me since I went in August from Canada (high season). I'm glad my posts helped you out. I was DESPERATE to have smaller calves, because I just don't feel attractive enough wearing pants. I feel even more uglier when I do wear a dress or skirt without boots. At the same time, I have been going through a lot of hestiations about the surgery You really need to be positive and ready for the surgery. I would suggest to have someone to company you. I believe this alone can make a BIG difference for your recovery.

Linney - Do you have anyone to accompany you in Korea? I would suggest you to make some friends who also did the surgery as well. I have bumped into 3 girls and I believe you will get some mental support from them. We get to go out for dinner by taxi and you will feel so much better than staying in your hotel all day long. You will definately feel less emotional, and that can affect the speed up your recovery! My calves feel really tight in the mornings when I get up. Your calves will not feel that stiff compare to the previous days as long as you do the stretches religiously. You will feel a difference day by day, but it's a slow progress.
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Hi linney!
CONGRATS :smile: I am so happy to hear that you are doing well in your post op! The complete recovery takes time! So just be patient and don't expect everything gets perfect in a short while! Then you feel a lot better when you see your improvement every day!
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joo_joo2704 and ffxlulu,

thank you for the encouraging words. fortunately, i have my husband here to support me mentally. i definitely highly recommend bringing someone with you or timing it so that you can do the surgery around the same time as another person from this forum. it was so hard to stay positive my first few days (and it could be the after effects of the anesthesia), but i am feeling much better today at day 5. here is a quick update on my recovery process:

day 4:
i continued to stretch every 30 minutes throughout the day, elevated legs and was able to do a short walk to yum thai restaurant for dinner in my wedges. there is definitely still tightness when i get up, but like ffxlulu says much better today compared to the previous day. :smile: when i sit, my feet start to feel more numb and tingly which makes it a bit uncomfortable but tolerable. also, it's hard to stand in place for too long. i can feel my feet swelling more when that happens.

day 5:
woke up and had my follow up appointment at 10am with dr. park. he re-bandaged my legs and asked me to do the belly to wall and squat exercises. i was really happy when he told me my recovery seems to be going well. i decided to go to my appointment in flat flip-flops to see how my feet will do. it actually forces me to constantly stretch and somehow feels more comfortable for me. when i told dr. park this, he said most people find walking in wedges easier but that it's fine for me if flats are more comfortable.

after the appointment, i was able to walk to the closest subway station (sinsa) and went to myeongdong (which required me to transfer) for shopping. i walked slowly in flats for about 1.5 hours and did some window shopping. i took a couple of 10-20 minute breaks in between at a cafe and another time at a bench. i'm now back at the hotel elevating my legs and stretching. tomorrow is day 6 and i'm nervous about potentially getting muscle spasms. hopefully things won't go backwards for me. :sad:

how are you feeling ffxlulu? hope your recovery is continuing to progress!
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linney! ffxlulu's and your posts inspire me to get the op done right away hahaha!
Did you go shopping for 1.5 hours in FLATS on your day 5!!! :woot: Your action reminded me of something: I learnt swimming very late for some reasons when I was 21 years old (before even I had no idea how to stay on the surface of water)...and on the third day of training, I could jump into the water like a needle in the deepest part of the pool( it was 4.5 meters deep) and then after coming up to the surface I could keep myself on the surface till the trainer pulled me out with a long bar...:lol:
Wish your quick recovery continue...:smile:
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To all of you guys who had done this op,

Did you have any nausea or dizziness after waking up due to anesthesia?! If so, did it make the stretches harder? I know that I get both after anesthesia according to a previous experience but was wondering if spinal anesthesia has the same effect...!
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Can you tell us more? What size was (calves) before and after ? You can see the photo?
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Hi everyone,

I haven't written for some time now but I would like to share my recent experience with you...
I have always had MASSIVE calve muscles..my left calf was 41cm and my right was 39cm. I am 159cm's tall and quite small- about a size 6-8 in clothes. Having had a massive complex about my calves, i had always worn loose clothes and have always dreaded summer. Wearing shorts and clothes that show my legs always left me paranoid that people would be looking at my legs. I tried botox for a few years which softened the square-ish muscular appearance of my legs but as someone who exercises quite frequently I found the botox would wear off a lot faster than normal, plus the cost of botox is quite expensive...

I have been following this forum for some years now and have been interested in a gastronemius resection, but the down time and pain associated with this procedure has never sat well with me. I recently found that there was another procedure that was less invasive called a selective neurectomy. I explored the option with Dr Liu in the US and travelled there a few months ago to have the procedure performed. The procedure involved making a 2cm incision behind the knee and cutting the 2 nerves which supply and stimulate the two heads of the gastronemius muscle (the lateral and medial heads- these muscles give the calve the shape- in my case the BULGING masculine shape!). From the get go, Dr Liu addressed every concern and email I had, he even organised a phone consultation and answered every single one of my emails (there were about 50, no joke!).
Given I travelled from overseas to see him, from the moment I arrived his staff contacted me and made me feel welcome and supported. Before booking the procedure I expressed my fear of being anaesthetised... he agreed that i could have the procedure under local anaesthetic which made me feel content. Once i travelled and arrived in the US i went to meet him for a consultation, he looked at my legs and explained the procedure to me. The following day I went in for my procedure which took around 1-1.5 hours. At no point did i feel nervous... weird I know! He gave me a valium and I entered the operating suite and lay on my stomach talking to him and his nurses while he performed the procedure. Afterwards, my feet and lower legs were a bit numb from the local anesthetic which wore off around 30 minutes later. I walked out of the clinic and went back to my hotel and had an early night. The following day I had an appointment with Dr Liu, determined to get back on my feet, I walked 1/2 way to the clinic then flagged a cab for the remainder of the way (i never told him I did this but In hindsight It shows me how determined I was!!) The next day and for the remainder of the 8 days I was in the US, I walked for about 7-8 hours every day, my legs felt weak at times, but I persevered.
I had an appointment with Dr Liu the day I left then hopped on a plane and returned home. Dr Liu indicated that it could take up to 3-6months for the procedure to have a full effect.

Fast forward 8 weeks later and my calves are completely different! I have gone from L41 & R39 to left 36 and right 35. My calves look unbelievably feminine and beautiful. They are not large, they are slim and streamlined, toned without being muscular. I did not experience ANY pain, only some tightness in my calves..It felt like I had gone to the gym for the first time in ages and where afterwards your muscles that you havent used in a while feel somewhat tight, but not sore... this lasted about a week. As I told Dr Liu, period pain causes me more discomfort than this procedure did.... I couldn't recommend him, his procedure and his staff enough!!! My experience has been 110% positive and I would recommend this to anyone wanting to reduce the size of their calves. I noticed a loss of tone almost immediately after the procedure and now I wear leggings, skirts, shorts and skinny jeans- anything to show off my new pins!
My life has changed and I am the happiest and confident I have ever been! I really hope my story will inspire others! My only regret, is that I never did this sooner.
For those of you that are wondering his details, Dr Perry Liu is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has been trained in the US and his website is http://pacificaesthetic.com/cosmetic-surgery/calf-reduction/ and his email is [email protected]
My procedure cost $6500 US and that covered everything- no medication was required. If anyone has any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them :smile:
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Hi Black Caviar!

I am so glad to hear that you are so satisfied with the result and recovery. I'm wondering if Dr.Liu had let you know about the probable risks of this op? If so, would you let us know as well? Actually, I am planning to go for calf reduction but before I wanna know about my other options too.
Thank you very much:smile:
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Hi there,

I asked Dr Liu a multitude of questions before I made a decision about having the procedure. I asked about potential risks and he explained that the procedure involved cutting the two nerves to the gastronemuis and a risk could be that the wrong nerve is cut. Having said this, he used a sterile nerve stimulator during the procedure to locate the correct nerves. Once he has located them, he triple and quadruple checks that they are the correct nerves by using the nerve stimulator. Basically when he stimulated the correct nerves the muscle contracts. I must admit I could kind of feel it- it almost felt like I was flexing my muscle. The other risk is that compensatory muscle hypertrophy can occur in the soleus muscle however if this happened, the calf would become slightly deeper but not wider. I have been hitting the gym pretty crazily over the last few months and have not noticed this....I was pretty happy with these potential risks- and as with any surgical procedure/ operation, there is always risks so I think its very important to ask. Having undergone the procedure I know he quadruple checked that he had located the correct nerves because I could feel it and hear him taking about it while he was doing it. Each to their own, but I found this procedure much more appealing than the resection... what scares me about resection is the long recovery and potential contour irregularities as well as the pain. Its a personal choice I guess, and you have to make sure you choosing something that you feel comfortable with. Hope this helps!
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Thanks a lot for the info:smile:
I have another question:
Is this surgery among the surgeries mentioned in this link of OZ clinic website?:
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