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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hmm...does it hurt? Mine is in the middle of calf and it hurts a bit. I don't know how long I wait till it disappears...or whether it disappears at all...
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Hello People.

So I'm thinking about having the calf muscle reduction surgery at OZ clinic in Korea. I'm going to head over to Korea next February for over a year teaching English. Now I'm going to assume that most people on this forum who have had calf muscle reduction surgery have had the surgical procedure done on BOTH calves right? Well in my case, I'm thinking of doing it one just ONE calf

Why just the one calf you ask?

My right calf is much bigger than my left calf and this is due to a number of reasons. I believe the main reason is due to the fact that I have a leg length discrepancy of 2cm (Left leg shorter than right leg). I have never realised that one leg is shorter than the other until recently. My legs are pretty messed.. I have knock knees as well...

I'd love to know whether anyone else has just had the surgery done on one calf and whether anyone can give me any general advice? This is a very big decision and I definitely will need to research more about this surgical procedure.

Thank you for reading,

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Jon25: Hi! I tried really hard to respond to your specific post, but to no avail. I'm obviously new to this site, let alone to this forum, but I've been reading it for the past few days. I wanted to ask when you thought you would be going in February to get it done, if you decide to get it done? I am also planning on February, but like the beginning of the month. How strange that a person wanting to go in February, like me, is also only wanting to do the one calf. I also plan on just doing my right calf. If you plan on doing this, let's coordinate it so that we can go in together since we seem to be in the same predicament!! :biggrin:

Also, to everyone else, if I post short replies or messages, it's because I'm trying to get to the 10 posts. Please bear with me. ;)
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Hello lu1u!

Sorry for the delayed reply. You may have noticed that the website was down for maintenance so I couldn't make a timely response.

Wow, first of all, may I ask you why do you also want to do it on one calf? I'm 80% decided on doing the surgery! I just need to consult the doctors and ask for advice before I take the plunge. Although I am going to Korea in February, I won't have enough money to fund the surgery immediately. Furthermore, I will be starting a job (teaching English) very soon when I get to Korea so I am not sure when I will find time to perform the surgery and take a break from work for recovery! I'm very happy that I can relate to someone regarding the issue with my legs/calves! Please keep in touch! My email address is [email protected] if you prefer to message me via email.
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Hi Rinda. With any surgeries, there are risks, even in what may seem minor operations. Most people here who have chosen or wants to do this calf surgery are here because they have probably tried many different ways to correct their issues before resorting to surgery. I understand that you're trying to be helpful, but to most people in this specific forum, this may be our only option now--and having people tell us we should try other things, just seem a bit judgemental. Please don't take this as some form of attack; I'm in no way trying to be rude to you. I just wanted to inform you that most of us have come to surgery as some a last resort.
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Hi jon25!
I'm just writing you here to let you know that I'm about to contact you through your e-mail. Just trying to rack up some posts on this site. :biggrin:
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Hey ya'll...I dont' know much about calf reduction but I've been thinking about it for a while.. I'm wondering if anyone knows what would but the most common side effect outside of the usual soreness? Not meaning to be negative but I just wanna be mentally prepare :smile:
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Hey is anyone here planning on doing a calf reduction and another surgery at another clinic in the same trip? Do you guys think that would be possible? Do you think going under general anesthesia twice within a short time would be ok? What about the stretching exercises while recovering from a different surgery?
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Hi i would suggest maybe you should check with Park if you intend to go to him for calf and another surgeon for another major surgery within a short span of time. I think the surgeons would be able to provide you with a clearer answer as GA is quite major.

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Yeah I'm reading up on GA a bit... I think if I did do a second surgery it would have to be only under local. I don't want to get too much work done anyways, I'm a little worried about looking unrecognizable.
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Hi there,

Sorry to butt in but since I've just started my research on calf reduction, which Dr.Park are you talking about? What clinic? There are just so many Dr.Park's :lol: Thank you!
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