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I am also in the same dilemma- i can't decide which material to use. I also didn't like the taiwan drs. pictures- I looked through Dr. Hsu's blog and I didn't like his esthetics- i feel like he makes that nose too big or something.

Do you know what the consequences will be for having silicone in the nose for long periods of time? I know that its easy to remove, but will the nose structure be damaged severely?

Thanks for the help. By the way, did raising your bridge make your nose look smaller on the frontal view?
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Hi Cocolee,

Will appreciate if you can share your experience and updates on Korea's Dr Kim.
Please keep us updated? Many thanks! :smile:
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Hi Asin,

I'm not very sure about your case. Perhaps you should check with the US surgeons on why they are against doing this. From what I know, this procedure can be very damaging to your nose structure if its not being handled properly. *hugs*

As for the Taiwanese surgeons I've approached, I was disheartened with the fact that they kept insisting on additional procedures which I do not require. Most of the Asians have low bridge, short nose but I'm of a different case - my bridge is ideal but I have a fat, big and round bulbous tip. I've read their sites and past surgeries, they have operated the exact same procedure for all their patients and they recommended me the same thing too. However, when I brought up my main concern which is the tip, my queries werent answered promptly yet they kept focusing on my bridge. I need a surgeon who listens to what I want, and not what they can do. :smile:

Please be careful with surgeons during your research. Try to get to know more people (ex-patients, forummers researching on surgeons) - exchange of knowledge and information will help you in your decision. :smile:

Initially I thought that was necessary for my case until I approached a few US surgeons for their advice and their comments was I do not require such invasive surgery and cutting me up in other parts for cartilage weren't required. Most of the Taiwanese surgeons graduated from US, there must be some reason why they are against it. No harm trying to find out more from them. As for TW surgeons, try to find out more cases like yours who have gone for such surgeries.

Hope my information above helps. :smile:
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Hey guys (haven't seen you in a while, asin!)! I'm travelling to Seoul in Dec for nosejob, magic epi and cheekbone reduction. The clinic (OZ) sets prices in terms of Korean Won, which worries me because US dollar is weakening by the day (even more so relative to the Won, and is by all accounts projected to fall even deeper!). I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about saving money in this situation... I thought about converting my dollars into Korean cash but the commissions are exorbitant (sometimes over 10%). In general, you can get the best net exchange rates if you travel to a foreign country and pay by debit card (the rate is usually the interbank rate + 1-3% foreign transaction fee). But my surgery has to wait until Dec. Any ideas guys?
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Hi Pilly,

I've emailed you. Hope to hear from you soon! ;)
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if you get silicone or goretex for the bridge you would have closed procedure.
if you get rib or break your nose bone, then it would be open.

if you get them done separately, i really think its preferable to get nose done first because if you raise your bridge it pulls a little on the shape of your inner eye. you can see this effect for yourself if you pinch the skin on your bridge and raise it up a bit. its doesnt change your eye shape much but it does a little. especially if you also get an epicanthoplasty. the skin does ultimately stretch and relax but the nose would affect the eyes, not vice versa.

but you really can have your eyes and nose done at the same time (as long as you use an asian experienced surgeon). i did. discuss it with your surgeon.
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hi everyone, i was just wondering around how much does dr. lam in texas charge for asian rhinoplastic? He does goretex and i have heard good thing about goretex.How long does goretex last? and do u have to replace it in a certain number of year? Thanks alot
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Just wondering, how are you guys financing your surgeries? I'm guessing most everyone here is in their 20's (i.e. more often than not ... broke) with rent, bills, and school, etc. Have you taken out loans or something? Or you've been saving up for a while now? Or is the boyfriend/family helping out?
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Lol, seems like I got it backwards, thanks for the heads up! :P I'll ask my surgeon about it when I begin consultations. Although it won't be a while (until next summer at least!) I'd like to get an idea of what I want to do and what I should be doing in preparation. I want to get the bottom portion of my nose thinned a little too, but there's no bone there I don't think. I guess that's still closed surgery?
I hear there can be more complications with closed than open though, so I might opt for open anyways. I'd rather it take a longer period of time to heal and be a more successful surgery.

I'm in my early twenties in college and don't exactly have thousands sitting in my bank account at the moment, but I'll be saving up over the next year or so to fund my nose/eye surgery. My boyfriend will also be assisting me some (although he is VERY against my getting surgery). My family as of now has no idea that I want to get any procedures done as they're also extremely opposed to plastic surgery.
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Hi, im wondering whose pictures DO you like then?

Im wondering cuz i thought i was picky but u r more (which is a really good thing) so if u find another surgeron plz plz let me know
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i think i am currently leaning towards silicone. i've had silicone in my nose before and know that it is easy to take out. the consequences of having silicone is that it can displace (this happened to me), extrude, or get infected. also, it calcifies over time. i'm not sure what is the ramification of calfication. it might give your nose a "shrink wrapped" look. i have seen this in older women with silicone implants. the implant looks VERY fake even if its straight and a small size. i'm not sure your tissues will be damaged at this point.

raising my bridge made my bridge look slimmer. however, my doctor did not do any work with the cartilage so my tip still looked bulbous and wide. i thought my nose looked weird with the implant in because the upper bridge area was so thin, but the lower cartilages were wide.
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hi, thanks for the response. i get the same impression from most "asian" plastic surgeons, such as those in taiwan, or dr. lee in beverly hills who specializes on asians. they make it seem like asian rhinoplasty is synonymous to augmentation rhinoplasty, and raising the bridge is always essential. i personally think that slightly lower bridges and radixes can be pretty too, but some surgeons consider it a deformity because the ideal nose has a certain radix.

how do you feel about traveling to taiwan for surgery? even if i like the surgeon, it's scary to do it overseas because what if things go wrong? what if i want to have my nose checked out after the surgery? it'd be a hassle to fly all the way back to taiwan. also, it may be difficult to get a post-op report from the taiwanese doctors if things go wrong and i am seeking a revision from a US doctor.
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yeuyeu, i remember you went to dr. lee for your primary rhinoplasty, but removed your implant shortly after the surgery. what are you going to do with your nose in korea? are you going to have another implant put in?
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