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I'm neutral about the pictures. I don't dislike them, but it seems Dr. Lee and I don't share similar aesthetic preferences. It's too bad, because I'm closer to his location and that's convenient if any complications should arise.
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hi want2change
am really interested in this calf redduction thing. i've been for a very very long time and recently disovered that Dr Park of South Korea and Dr. Jong of Taiwan could do it. Am more inclined to Taiwan cos of the price and really gald to find you. Please tell me your experience with him and what i can expect. Am 34 with monster calfs i've hated all my life, can never dream of wearing skirts and even though am so scared of this surgery, am determined to go through with it. My challenge now is to find a good doctor. so please let me know how yours turned out.

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I can feel you deeply, I had my nose also done by lily chen two and half years ago, after op. I found my whole nose shifted to right, and it is obvious and make me look weird ( my friends can tell by just looking at it, although I didn't tell them I had surgery done) which also makes me worried. but lily chen insisted no deflection and wouldn't revise for me.

I have also done a ton of research before and after the surger, and I think it was about her ability to do nose job! and she even forgot to take before and after pictures for me(careless). so, literally, I have no before op and after op pics from her to compare!

in these 2 years, i have seen a few surgeons, but after this awful experience with lily chen, I am having hard time to trust a surgeon. I can't decided whether to have second surgery or not! what if it didn't go well again! I don't think I can stand the third time!!!! the other side, I really hate to go out with my deflected nose, it is not easy to tell yourself to ignore it.

right now, I am skipping general plastic surgeons, but considering head and neck specialist who have more intensive experiences doing plastic surgeries on above neck. I am thinking Jen Albert, any one had experience with him?
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Hi Coscrazy
Am very interested in my tip revision. I originally did my rihno in Thailand and have always felt that the tip is rather too sharp. It makes me stand out in my family and makes me abit uncomfortable. I would rather have a rounder more natural look. Please do you have any idea of the best in this field that i can contac in either Taiwan or Korea?. I'll be having calf redduction in either of these two places so i might just do the tip as well. I really need a very good doctor for this cos i hope its the last time i touch my nose

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Hi kaspy

so what then is the best remedy for "tear trough"
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i was wondering what makes the bridge material shift?
does it do it on its own or was it something u did?
can u help us out so we can avoid the same mistake

thank u.
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My implant shifted because my "nasal bone which the implant sat on was naturally uneven" as my doctor said. Other reasons for implant shifting that I know of is Dissection of oversized pocket and trauma.
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And also, are there any forums where I can ask doctors about a special kind of surgery? I have a problem where my eyes (the eye sockets) are uneven and not level with each other. It shows up in pictures and it's very unsightly. I wanted to post my problem on the makemeheal.com forums but I can't sign up!

Please help.
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Hi Asin! Sorry for my lateness in responding, I was super busy and forgot to check out the board. Yes I had the implant taken out two weeks post-op because I felt it was too high. I still thinks so and don't regret my decision at all -- there's no way I can live with a nose like that. But I also feel like I need a bit of moderate augmentation to look better. Right now it's literally zero height between my eyes. I did a lot of computer imagering myself and found a (I think) good height for me (which is about 30% the height immediately after my primary rhino), sent it to Dr. Park and got a very detailed analysis. I think I'll go ahead with it! Haven't decided yet whether to use silicone or Gortex though. I also want more definition on my tip, which I really need to talk to Dr. Park about.

I'm also doing magic epi to get rid of my mongolian fold, and also cheek reduction coz I feel like my cheekbone is a bit too sharp, making my 45 degree profile look very bad....

I remember you drove all the way to LA around January to remove your implant. What happened after that, if you don't mind me asking? Are you satisfied with your height right now, or are you considering another surgery?
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hi pleasance, there're lots of loans for cosmetic surgeries (I'm assuming you live in the US). Check out Carecredit. I hear it's really good. Be careful with their retroactive interest rate though.
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Oh darn, I'm from Canada. Would I qualify for the loan if I got my surgery done IN the states?

What's retroactive interest rate

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hi yeu yeu, yea i removed my implant in january. i was really unhappy with my nose for the first few months after implant removal. my nose looked really wide and undefined due to the scar tissue. it looked like a blob. i think the scar tissue and swelling has gone down a bit so my nose now looks a little better. however, i am still considering revision to remove some of the scar tissue to get a smaller, thinner bridge back. i might consider augmentation as well. my natural nose isn't that low, so if i get augmentation, it will be very minor, like .5-1mm increase in height.

how is that tip graft left in your nose looking? the one on my nose is overprojected. it's too big and gives me a hanging columella. i'd like to have that corrected in a revision as well.
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Hi everyone, I'm new here. I'm asian american and had a nose job done 10 years ago. Because my rhinoplasty was performed by silicon implant insertion only, the nasal tip skin became thin and the outline of implant at tip was demarcated in recent years. Therefore, I'm looking into getting my nose done once again in America or South Korea. Anyone here knows a good doctor, please let me know. Many thanks...
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