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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Madison

Wow! you and me sound like we might have a similar problem. My ankles are really thick! Its around 24cm! And imagine some gals' calves are only around 31cm so can you imagine my ankle is coming close to their calf size! :shucks:

Park told me the same thing about my ankles too. He said he needs to assess me in person n if he really finds there are fats (as he cant see any on the photos) he would help to remove it. But he said he would help to remove the fats on my knees cos that was pretty obvious with that lumpy fats there. Lol

Dr Park also told me about the same thing about Lipo lies in the skills of the doctor although I really cant confirm that. However having said that I have tried different kinds of lipo such as Traditional, Vaser, Laser.... n my results were Bad! bad bad bad.... uneven, lumpy, etc. Vaser n Laser claim that it can help to tighten the skin after lipo but I don't see that in me. I thought it was kind of saggy n lumpy. Maybe im the unfortunate one cos anyway I tend to swell more than normal people after a lipo.

I saw a picture of thigh lipo done by Park n if the job was really done by him n without any photoshop or touchup, etc I must say the Results were pretty good. There was obvious difference in the Before n After. Jong also said the effectiveness of lipo lies in the skills of the surgeon. I really have no clue.

Both Park n Jong agree that I need fat graft too on my calves.
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I'm not going for calf reduction, just considering liposuction. I'm too scared of lasering my calf muscles. I'm planning on going to a clinic that specializes in liposuction and weight loss, as I plan on getting lipo elsewhere.

What were your measurements before calf lipo?
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I had a similar experience with Lipo on my calf as babyangel11; my results were awful, lumpy, depressed in areas, no major difference in overall size reduction. Please think twice beofore you do it; my surgeon was/supposed to be one of the lipo experts too.
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Hi babyangel11
I just measured my ankle, it's 25 cm; it's crazy big. I'm only 5'2", 118lbs, not skinny, but I don't consider myself fat; it's not normal to have that large of calves and ankles at my size. Even when I weight 102lbs, they were the same size.
Did you ever get anyone that went to Jong to respond to your inquiries? I wish I can get some of their feedbacks before I make my decision.
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Hi sexy legs
Thank you for getting back with me. Were the stockings more like long socks (ones that come your knee) or pantyhose? I'm shock to know you still fluid after 2.5 years and it was the reasoning for the difference in size. I'm very glad to know that dr park stands be hide his works!!! Did you went alone when you had your surgery? Was it difficult? How much did you went down in sizes? Would you please share your pre and post-op photos with me?
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Can you tell me about your experience? Did you go overseas (Korea) to do it? If so, which clinic did you go to? Did you go through treatments post-op? The clinic I'm looking at offers carboxy treatments post-procedure.

I plan on going to 365mc, but I want to be 100% sure before I book a plane ticket.

If you don't feel comfortable with posting it here, can you PM or e-mail me ([email protected])? Thanks :smile:
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Hi Madison

Wow! What a coincidence. Im somewhere around 5'3" tall. My thighs n calves are big :sad:

Yes i did check with a few forummers who went to Jong n i think one was happy with the results n another i think she's also quite alright except she says she hasnt recovered from those scars behind the knees yet if i remember correctly, at that point when i communicated with her.

I dont heal well with scars generally n it seems that Jong's incisions are longer n i dont want to take the risk. Cos if the scars dont heal n fade well then there might be 2 long incision lines behind the knees?? Plus Jong only committed to around 2cm reduction for me! Which was pretty disappointing.

Although i like the idea of less aspirations n Jong was open to do lipo on calves he could only quote me on the calf reduction surgery but could not give me a quotation nor an estimate on the fat graft, lipo of knees, etc.

I was open to both surgeons originally but i have to decide on 1 ultimately. I think i would go with Park.

Now im deciding whether to go in Mar, May or June.

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Hi Troll Train

If you aint going for partical calf muscle resection surgery n instead thinking of calf lipo, i dont know if that would be a worse decision actually? I have gone thru Calf Lipo n i regretted. I did not measure before calf lipo or if i had i had forgotten too. But the post surgery results were like No Results! And considering your calves are only around 33-34cm i really think you might want to leave your calves alone instead of going thru calf lipo.

I dont know if calf laser is actually partial calf muscle resection surgery? Does the surgeon use laser to resect the muscles?

People with large bulk calves of around 38cm for instance are getting results of around 34cm after partial muscle resection surgery. So many surgeons claim that they are skilled in lipo etc but i have not heard of a case whereby a patient is happy with the results post calf lipo.

FYI a patient has shared her post calf lipo pictures with me n i think her calves sizes are fine in the 1st place maybe around 33-34cm if im not wrong. But post calf lipo, she has a depression on one of her calves plus she also wants slimmer calves. She went to Park n have some muscles partially resected n had fat graft too to fill up the depression.

It doesnt necessarily mean that one would get better results or results that one wants after a cosmetic surgery. Sometimes results may turn out worse than what you originally have. I have gone thru to know. N i contemplated this calf reduction surgery for around 4 years before i think i want to go thru this finally but to be honest, im still very scared thinking about it now. Im just trying to gather my guts. Lol.

Im still advising you to avoid calf lipo surgery but if you are adamant, all the best. I do not know how to explain further except to tell you again i do not see any satisfactory results after my calf lipo n my calves are lumpy now n uneven n irregular n i have a depression on my left calf now. Maybe you might be the lucky patient ;)

Good luck
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Oh i forgot to mention previously i had some Mesotherapy injections on my Calves too. Nah nah! No results too! That was when Mesotherapy n Carboxy therapy were kind of popular or talked about at one stage some years ago.
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I had same experience as babyangel11; I couldn't describe it better than her. It's like she took the words right out of my mouth. I had my surgery in US. Please think twice and best luck to you.
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no fluid after 2.5 years. was just a bulge that needed more carving. i went alone. not difficult. i visit korea often, so if anyone wants to go when i am there, i can certainly provide support. went from 38-32/33. provide email address if want photos. the only reason for investing my time here is because this surgery has enhanced my life and i want to help others trapped in pants. felt like a disability. being able to wear sexy dresses/skirts/shorts/swim suits without everyone staring right down to my calves is soooooo liberating and amazing!!
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1. my scars are about 1cm in the fold, so not visible. just a slight discoloration but can hardly tell. i used silicone gel for a year.

2. stocking--see my previous posting

3. seems like a few disappointing cases with Jong and lipo according to this blog. don't have any experience with park with lipo so can't say. but a group of famous actors/actresses from thailand were in the waiting room with me to get their faces done, so i'm assuming park is well known for his dexterity. your call...
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Hi Sexy Legs

Do you happen to be going to Seoul around mid March?

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Hi sexy legs,
Thank you for hanging around.....my email is [email protected]. What hotel did you stayed when you had your surgery? Would you recommend it?
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