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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi ffxlulu,

I went through your posts and I found your smallest sizing in month 3. So hope I get smaller by then and my final size after regrowing stays something around my current size although I am now 1 cm less than my last size reported! Keeping up with wrapping for a long time will definitely affect the final results though as Dr.Park recommended.
Do anyone of you guys have any idea where I can find the bandages which Dr.Park uses?! Actually I didn't find the same bandages in any pharmacies and had to buy thicker ones that work well but the only thing that I don't like is that I have to use longer tapes to fix them on place so my tapes run out so quickly:sad:( I looked for them in Amazon as well as eBay but they are apparently of the same type that I'm currently using or the self adhesive ones that are not suitable to keep them wrapped on bare legs for a long time! The good thing is that they make my legs super skinny:biggrin:
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Hello everyone. Im day 3 surgery with dr park. Im having a major breakdown and i need some feedback from those of you who already had the surgery done. My right leg is much thinner than my left. My right leg has a huge gap... Area where muscle was removed. The skin is hanging loose like on my grandmother's. Almost like he took out way too much. Omg. It looks so deformed compared to the left. Anyone else have similar experience? Is this where i have to wait a year and have him correct it? But how? You can't put muscle back. Im freaking out. Pain is no joke!
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do you mind taking a picture?
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Hello ladies,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you but the days post-surgery have been rather mad. Firtsly, let me assure you that i am doing ok, in pain yes, but ok.
Here is a quick recollection of events:

Monday july 7th: I land at Seoul airport at 2pm with oh so sweet husband, then take the limousine bus to Gangnam-gu area (way cheaper than the taxi = 15OOO won each). We go straight to the clinic to meet Dr Park for the first time. From the Gangnam-gu station, we walk about 20 minutes. The clinic is on the 6th floor of a small building. The clinic desk and environment are modern, clean and professional. The lady assistant welcomes us with good manners and makes us feel comfortable. Hubby was apprehensive we would end up in some dark alley garage fitted in a rusty clinic type place hahaha, even he said 'oh, that's nice'. I am received quickly by Dr Park and we do small talks as well as go through the details of the surgery: what needs to be done, the expectations, the possible complications, the recovery, the cost. Dr Park gave me a good first impression, he is relaxed, friendly and likes a laugh, yet he shows experience and confidence in his work.
The surgery is booked for wednesday 9th: initial calf size 35cm, target size 32cm, oh please doctor make that 31cm!
Height 160cms, weight 52 kgs.

This night, we go shopping and eating. Seoul is cool baby, so many things to buy :nuts::yahoo:
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I choose to have one day free before the surgery to walk around and get some of that visiting bug out of my system. So that's what we did tuesday all day and all night, we had so much fun eating everything and anything, walking through small multi-colored lights filled small streets, getting lost multiple times as no-one speaks english here and everything is written in korean only. The weather is nice. The streets are filled with people at any hour of the day or night. People are so nice and helpful. They like to stare, and don't hide whilst doing it. By the end of the day, i bought 4 pairs of shoes... if hubby wasn't here to push some bits of wisdom into my possessed brain, i would have dragged at least 12 pairs back to the hotel... :drool:
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Wednesday 9th - OP day 1: I show up at the clinic at 10am. Talk with the doctor for 20 minutes: i want to visit Jeju Island for a few days straight after the surgery, he says i can try, i say i really want and we plan to rent a scooter to visit the island so i wouldn't have to walk so much, he seems hesitant but says i can try. I pay cash for the operation 7 000 000 won, that includes the cash 4% discount.
Then i place my bag in my room, get undressed, go in the operating room, there are 3 or 4 assistants, they put me on IV drips, then comes the anesthetic, i feel cold, am shivering for a few minutes then dozzes off. I wake up in my room around 2pm, i feel ok, a bit weak but not light headed, i stand up to go to the toilet, i feel ok, not dizzy, i have difficulty in walking, of course but it is manageable. The nurse tells me to rest a bit. So i rest until 4pm. Then i call my husband to come and pick me up. He comes around 6pm and we go back to the hotel.
We watch games of thrones on our computer and eat well and go to sleep. I elevate my legs for the night, make sure i took the medication and try to do the stretching twice in the evening. The doctor said to do 5mns stretching every 30 minutes but i find this isn't possible with the state i am in, so i do what i can. I can put my belly against the wall but only after 2 or 3 minutes of slow stretching.
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OP day 2: I spent a miserable night of no sleep at all. I did not sleep at all too the nigth before the surgery so i am completely exhausted. I could not find a comfortable position and my legs felt great discomfort throughout the night, and boy what a long night that was! I woke up hubby every 5 minutes to bring me this, and bring me that, and do this and do that, and talk to me and stop talking you're annoying, put the aircon on and turn it off, make me a tea, no this is the wrong tea, there is not enough sugar, now there is too much sugar, oh finally i don't want it anymore, i prefer a fruit juice. OMG i turned into a witch! :weird:
What i felt in my legs the whole night was not really pain, rather solid discomfort, the sort that takes over your mind and rules the **** out of you.
The day went by ok, medication, (try to) stretching, drinking heaps of water and fresh fruit juice, resting... Tomorrow, it is decided, we will go for a 6-day adventure in Jeju island and we will get there by train and boat. In the back of my mind, i agree with myself, YES I AM MAD, but hey, that's me.
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Hi Leela

It was nice meeting u there. Hope everything went well. I tried to contact you but no response and I couldn't PM you on pf.

Let me know when you have your phone back and add me on kakao ok.
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OP day 3: Wake up at 6am. Stretching is hard work. As they say, no pain, no gain. We have a 12 hours trip ahead of us to reach the first hotel in Jeju island. Bad sleep once again, i am exhausted. My feet are swollen. Medication, water, stretching. Taxi, train, ferry, taxi. We finally arrive at the hotel at 8pm. I want to cry. My legs look like the legs of an elephant. I am so tired. Medication, water, stretching, sleep.

Post-OP day 4: Today we cross the island to reach our second hotel by the beach. The setting is perfect although it is raining season... We go to rent a scooter and visit around. I walked about 2 hours today. It was alright. I tire very quickly, and because I am in pain, i get moody and can't really fully enjoy my stay here. Bit of a shame but it's life. Medication, water, lots of fruits, stretching, again and again. The stretching is not getting any easier. The hardest is when i wake up, the first minutes are hell trying to stand up with those legs which have again completely tensed up during the night. Back to square one, every morning. I don't do enough stretching, once every hour instead of once every 30 minutes. The swelling is getting crazy. No more sight-seeing for the next days, i need to rest. I wrap my feet in cold watered towels and sleep in them.

Post-OP day 5: The cold towels really helped with the swelling.When i unwrapped this morning, my legs and feet were almost back to normal. It feels so much lighter, i highly recommend to do this for the swelling. Today's surprise is the unbearable cramp that took over my left calf, cramp that does not want to go. Pain that paralyses you, and it doesn't go away. I call the doctor and he says to rest and put the legs up, continue the medication and stretch when possible. I am now in bed most of the time now, unable to find a comfortable position. I take the bandages off and do very light massages on the left calf to try and relax the muscle. It helps a bit. I need to be patient.

Post-OP day 6,7,8: These days are not so good. The cramp is going on and on. Each time, i try to stand up, it goes off. I have no more pain killers, no more medicine to take. I try to accept the pain instead of suffering it. Husband is right here every minute tending to my every need. I strongly recommend that whoever decides to go through this operation take somebody with you to look after you. It is at times very challenging. Not impossible, but very challenging. On day 8, we get back to Seoul by plane. Unable to walk, i am carried around the airport in a wheelchair. We get the star treatment, it was a nice experience hahaha.
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Post-OP day 9: I go to Dr Park office but he is not here. I meet the nurse. She is very nice and helpful. She injects me in the butt with muscle relaxant and pain killers. We try to straighten the left leg, she touches different parts of the calf, i scream. My right leg is more than fine, i can stretch it very easily, no pain at all, quite flexible and strong. She changes the bandages and tells me to come back the next morning for more injections. Dr Park is on holidays this week, he is back saturday.

Post-OP day 10: Today i see Amy. She does the injections and the dreaded first round of aspiration. :sweatdrop:
She says that there is almost no liquid to aspire. Usually, they take out about 100ml. This is very good, it means that i am recovering well, except for this damned cramp.
We have 6 more days to go here and i really want to do some shopping and sight-seeing, so Amy kindly helps us finding a wheelchair and we are off to the Dongdaemun market for the day!!
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Nice meeting you too :biggrin:

I hope you are doing well in your recovery, mine has been a bumpy road so far but even in the darkest of times, i have no regret.

How is your walking now? Back to normal yet? Any problem with stretching?
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Hi ScaredSilly

Do you have pictures to show?

What are your pre-op and post-op measurements for both calves?

Are you still in Seoul n did you tell Park about your concerns? What are his comments?
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Hi Leela 16

Nice to hear that you are recovering well.

I suppose you meant that the nurse aspirated around 10ml and Not 100ml. Cos 100ml is alot alot in one aspiration. Haha.

What are your post-measurements like ?

And do you see the shape already?

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