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I think it would really depend on which surgeon you personally prefer. Dr Jung always seems to put the same type of Korean patients. Same with Dr Park, which would you prefer? And if you are worrying about money then you probably should save up to get it instead of getting what you may feel is a cheap procedure or one you didnt really want.
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Hey ladies,

Yea I have ALWAYS wanted a nose job. I think I'm a situation where I need one b/c I've always hated how flat it was and it's odd but the nostrils aren't the same size/shape. I'm Korean-American and would like a natural looking nose, but yes information is key so the best thing is to find the right doc for the job. I also had eye surgery done about four years ago, and I suspect that people can tell I've got them done and then other people can't tell so Idk whether they were done well or not. Anywho, I wish I could get a nose that better suited my face and should have done it this past summer when I went to korea. I still am considering it so if anyone would like to go, let me know. You can im me at my sn which you can get from my user login name. Anywho, I don't mind splitting hotel costs and it will be pretty traumatic so at least we'll have each other! Ttyl all~
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numberlinh you're right, at the end of the day its looking at what surgeon style you prefer. At the end of the day its the before and after photos thats going to do it for me :smile: (Lets hope they havent photoshoped them!!)

Hey julabula8d_aim! Wow I think its so cool to have a girlie thats korean here :smile: You mentioned you had your eyes done, are you happy with the surgeon that done them for you or judging that your asking about going to korea you're not satisfied in having your nose done with the same surgeon(was your surgeon in korea also)?

Yeah it would be cool to go in a big bunch of girlies - when are you thinking of going and is there a surgeon you prefer (see websites that numberlinh has kindly given in the previous thread )
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Hey Ppl!
I just thought Id share my views on all this. PERSONALLY, fm looking at the photos, I prefer Dr Park as oppossed to Dr Jung's. Thats because I prefer to use goretex instead of silicon implants. Dr Jung's ones seem soo straight, they look so diff fm their orginal nose and for me, and I could tell these ppl have had a nose job. This is ok if u hate the shape of ur nose and want to completely change it, but because I only want a slight augmentation, i prefer goretex....this way...I will still be able to build up my nose alittle and sort of keep the shape of my originial nose. I think Dr Jung's mainly uses silicon implants whilst Dr Park uses both, so it depends on what you want done and what material as implant to use! I've decided on mine but just to make sure that these Dr are who they say they are....Please if ANYone knows someone or has themselves had a nose job at OZ clinic, please could you tell me the results and whether u got want you asked for.

Hey julabula8d_aim, as u will prob know fm my messages that I'm planning on having my nose done at the end of this year, Nov or beginning of Dec. I think meowgirl might be able to come at the same time too! (Meowgirl...is that right?) If u can make it then, then we will have 3 ppl! We can go to whichever clinic we each prefer, but as long as its in Seoul, I think we could live in the same hotel/hostel, that way, we can at least we can keep each other company after the op. I've found a few accommodation for pretty cheap prices, u can choose to share a rm with someone or have one urself, either way, it will still be quite cheap! So wen r u planning on going?
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Hey Moody, so have u decided on where u wana have ur nose done? if it's in seoul, will u be able to go at the end of this yr? lol, Im trying to gather as many ppl as poss cause believe it or not, its actually quite daunting for me cause not only is it half way across the world fm me, I cant speak korean, i dont the place at all, and Ive never even met any of those doctors!

Oh yeh, has anyone written to IAAn clinic? I emailed them like 2 weeks ago, and they havent replied, they seem v secretive about everything, there's not much on their website, but I dont think im gona get it dont there, cause its not even in seoul, and they dont provide enough info. has anyone got a reply from them? I wonder if they are just igoring me cause of all the qu I asked. :biggrin:
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Hey Moody, so have u decided on where u wana get ur nose job done? If u wana do it in Seoul, would u b able to come at the end of this yr? because I'm trying to gather as many ppl as poss, cause personally, this is all v daunting! not only is korea half way across the world fm me, I dont speak the language, i dont the place, and i havent even met any of the doctors there.

Oh btw, has anyone emailed IAAN clinic? I emailed them two wks ago and they havent replied, they seem to secretive about it all, and there's hardly anything on their website! So I have decided Im definately not going there, also its not even in Seoul. Has anyone heard fm them? Is it just me they are ignoring? :biggrin:
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Hmm you know keropi...I think I emailed IAAN Clinic like in october..No reply and I forgot but you triggered my memory! xDD Hilarious.

And actually I think Dr. Jung prefers using goretex + ear cartilage (for tip) than silicon. He never really said he only uses silicon and I think he kinda really hates them, just look at all the revisions/corrections hes done for the silicon thats gone crazy. But I'm pretty sure both doctors use both materials, depending on the individual.

But yea, Dr. Jung's do seem kinda too staight, but I really want a pretty nose.. xDDDD

Yay! You're planning the trip! This is all too exciting..xDD :yahoo::yahoo:
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Way hey looks like we're cooking girls! Could 2007 be the year of us finally taking the plunge :smile: Yes very exciting!! oh numberlinh I wish we could persude you to come with us (Lets kidnap her girls and put her in our suitcase heehee)

Well IAAN Clinic is a DEF nono then :smile:
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keropi, I think i'm going with Dr Park too. Looking over the websites over and over again I def think its the better one.

You mentioned you wanted a bunch of us going, I take it you havent any other asian mates that want it done too? To be honest I havent told that many of my gf's what I plan to do as Im sure they'd persude me not to saying - 'oh you dont need it ' or 'its dangerous' blah blah. Thats why I came to this forum to find some people with the same thoughts as me! Once again SOOO happy to have found you all - im truly blissed :smile: We'll all stick together :smile:
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You all make me laugh! funny how we're all seem to have similar thoughts, and yes, that Dr guy fm Iaan clinic does look pretty sinister! heehee, he looks like those scary scientists from a horror movie!

Numberlinh, I'm not sure if Im correct, but having browsed thru loadsa of his q&A pages i remembered him saying that he prefers to use silicon because it's easier to handle than goretex and its much cheaper too. But I will ask him next time and get bak to u all if I get a reply.

lol, im kinda in the same situation as u. :biggrin: I only came on this site cause i know everyone here all wants to do the same thing. I havent actually told ANYONE, because ive still got like nearly a yr to go, and also, like u, my friends and family will all be like: NO NO NO!!!! They all say my nose is really nice already.....but they dont understand that it doesnt matter how pretty u r are or how perfect ur nose is to Other ppl, if U urself lacks confidence due to your appearance not being up to ur own standards, you're not going to be happy with yourself. Of course, I dont mean expectations that u know will never come true, but Im not asking much, so i decided this is the step im gona take. Also, my friends all seem to have really nice noses, they all look like supermodels (infact some of them are models!), and because alot of my male and female friends are eurasian, they dont need to make their noses bigger, but even my chinese friends have really nice noses. Maybe this is one of the reasons y im so unsatisfied with my own nose, everywhere i look, i see a perfect nose! lol, i knw i shdnt compare myself with ppl...but hey at least im gona do something about it, then i'll no longer complain! :biggrin:
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Yup yup totally agree with you. At the end of the day if you want it done, get it done otherwise I think you'll just regret it. I mean people are having surgery like going to the dentist these days so I think a little nose job is fine, esp if you only want a slight refinement, not like getting a completely new nose!
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I could relate. I told my family /friends i wanted to get a nose job ,just in a joking type way. I got a bunch of negative remarks "nononono,your nuts" etc..blah blah.Thats what family/friends are for right?Their not going to say stuff like "yes you need it bad" lol. This is just something i want to do for myself and been looking forward for some time now.eh some people just don't understand.
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LOL Yea he does look a bit evil/pervy.

Yea I've actually already told my parents and my friends. They of course said why and such, but they didnt really oppose it, I guess its because they know I would still do it so why waste the time to argue? But my parents did get a little PO'ed about it, but then they relented. :yahoo:

Haha kidnapp me? XD Only way is too lure me in with food..Oops, I guess I shouldnt have said that xDD.

Yea a lot of my friends have nice noses too. But you're right, dont compare. Just make sure you know what you want. =]

Ai I cant wait a whole year to go to Korea, but at least it'll give me time to make some mooolah.

Yes They're Fake! Cosmetic Surgery & Plastic Surgery Network
^ I just saw that on another thread. Didnt check out the site yet, but it seems cool! =]
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