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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi all,
I did eyelid surgery non incisional method in sg with Andrew Tay about 1.8yrs ago. The left eye stitches have collapse and it's back to mono lid... I am really depressed and I'm looking to do an incisional method either in Korea or Taiwan.

I think I need to remove fats from my lid for incisional method as it's quite fat. I need to consider the stitches to be removed as well. On top of these... I really want to lower the crease. Have anyone experience this before? Please email me your experience at [email protected]. Your email will be appreciated!

Also, please pm me if you are looking to go oversea for surgery in July. I want to go when the weather is turning colder... Thanks...
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For epic reversal, only Dr Chung from Eve and Dr Ahn is frequently brought up here in this forum. Another former told me all local Koreans go to Shinseung for epic reversal.
Here's the weblink.


Also, there's testimonials and photos uploaded by the local Koreans.

I am not advertising for this clinic but just to give another alternative as I know of somebody who looks great but experience great pain and tightness even after 6-10 months after epic surgery with one of the above mentioned doctors.

Having said this, I am not sure if the tightness comes along with such surgery since afterall it is not a very natural surgery by filling in skin that has been cut away.
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Hi Deepeyes,

Do you know if dr chung also good at double eyelid revision? As you mention other forum what is the name of that forum? Is it soompi? How is you recovering now? I might go to revision with dr kang this May. I m looking forward hear you back, thank you!
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So far nobody in this forum has gone thru eyelid revision with dr chung..but heard he is a very nice and patient doctor.

Actually it is one of the forumer from here told me abt shinseung.

I am 8 mths now but scar tissues still very bad. Depth improves but still deeper than what I asked. Dr kang asked me to wait anoher 4 mths.
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Generally for revision, I don't think it is advisable to do it 6 months after precious surgery no matter what the doctor says. Best is to wait for 1 year to avoid scsr tissues problem (scars after scars) which makes healing difficult. Mine is a good example. I did it too early hence suffering from consequences.
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Hi Deepeyes,

Thank you for your quick response, I'm now 6 month already from previous surgery, so if may will be 8 month, now I m just scare my eyelid don't have enough skin, although dr kang has the non skin excision method, but I heard one of some member said that after this non skin excision method their eyes can't fully close. My eyes condition are very bad, I think my previous dr take out too much fat then cause triple eye lid, and my left eye is barely close, i can't live with my eyes like this. I put a lot of hope on dr kang, but not sure if he is my right doctor. Hope you eyes heal fast and bless!
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I understand how you feel. I couldn't live with very deep eyes then at 6 months mark hence I went thru the surgery. My right eye improves a lot and is very close to what I want. My left eye depth didn't improve much because I had 2 surgeries prior to revision. Until now it is not healing very well. Even at 12 months I don't think it will fully heal. It might take longer than that. If your eye is barely close now it might do more harm if revision is done too early.

Perhaps you could consult a few more doctors. Dr cho from bandoeye and dr lee from jueun. They are both specialized in revision too . Give yourself more options instead of listening to people in forum.

There is this gal who had surgery at 4 mths then revision with dr kang. According to her note she healed quickly and look very good in few weeks. Thats why I thought it is safe to do it at 6 months. A no of people I know who went thru revision in short time frame developed scar tissues so now that I think back it is quite unbelievable she can heal so quickly. .but who knows maybe she is very young. . Or her body is very healthy?

Anyway just take it with a pinch of salt when comes to forum. Your eyes are important to you. Hope you find the right surgeon and heal really well sooner..
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Wow your left eye has 3 revision already? I think think scar issue take more time to heal, what is the reason for your to do 2nd surgery on your left eye?

I will visit about 4 doctor, dr cho from bio, dr kang, also in my list, maybe dr chung from eve plastic, but dr lee from jueun never heard. Now my situation is not only my eye not good looking, it is also not comfortable when I look at the computer or TV my eye feel very tired. I think my triple eye life is not only fat problem, it also detach to my eye muscle, I will go to see the Ophthalmology before I go to revision. Sigh, hopefully everything go smooth.
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I didn't do fat graft as suggested by dr kwon from teium hence developed complication. My left eyelid became triple and quadrant eyelids..looked very scary then. Dr kwon had to do revision on left eye after 5 weeks from primary surgery.
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Within 6 month you did 3 revision, so you need to give them more time to heal! Bless!
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