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How can I make my calves smaller?

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You likely know a ton more about exercising than I do, but why wouldn't jogging give you big calves? The summer I was 12 I did tennis camp and there was a lot of jogging involved and my calf muscles got huge.
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I can't believe that so many people think they have large calves- what are we talking about in measurements? I think muscular legs look nice and I don't think I can remember seeing someone's leg where the calf was so thick that I gave it a second glance. Either we are all being too hard on ourselves or a lot of us are wearing long pants and hiding a weird phenomenon.
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To begin with...typically, women just don't bulk up. They lack the needed testosterone to really build muscle mass. I think what a lot of girls think getting huge calf muscles equates to is losing the fat in their legs, thus making the muscles more defined and possibly the false sense that their muscles got bigger, when it reality, they simply lost fat. Also, repetitive exercises tend to not build mass, rather burn fat/carbs/muscle. Jogging, swimming, any kind of cardio falls into that category. Unless you're jogging up hills with 30 lb weights tied to you, you're not going to build much muscle.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi Happy80...I would love to chat with you on your calf reduction surgery. Where did you get the procedure done? and is your walking impaired? I have heard of stories how women are not able to walk on flat feet after the surgery? Please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
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Count me in as having the same problem! My upperbody is really slender, my boyfriend has even made the comment that the small of my back is really, really tiny. But my legs. UGH. I really do need to start working my legs out. Uggs fit okay, but skinny jeans - not so much.

I'm 5' 9 1/2" and my boyfriend is 6' 5". So, wearing heels is totally an option that I always take up! And ... I LOVE being this tall! When I wear heals, I definitely see a slimming effect of not just my calves, but all of my legs!
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my legs are VERY muscular... well my calves anyways! i used to be on track teams when i was younger and i started wearing stilettos at 15, so my calf muscle looks like a giant hunk!

i believe it measures a little over 15inches. I also happen to LOVE skinny jeans but i always have problems with brand such as rock and republic because the calf area is so small that the flare just ends up looking funny. A solution i've found to this problem however are straight legs!!! on girls with bigger calves i find that straight legs elongate the legline.
i am also a huge fan of the stacked heel. Instead of a skinny stiletto (which can often accentuate the calf size even more, a slightly thicker heel proportions out the calf)
i have also found nine west boots to be quite suitable for my calves (not all styles, but there are certain ones - and bring them to your shoe repair to stretch them out too!). Pull up boots also tend to have a higher circumference so they work as well!!!

i NEVER even knew there was calf surgery!!! wow!!! to be honest, i had issues with my legs for a LONG time. i always thought that they were too big, but i guess muscular calves are sometimes nice. i had several people approach me this summer (after i started wearing shorts) to tell me that my calves looked really great... if you rock it, everyone else will love it!
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I've got really toned legs from playing tennis and soccer but my legs still appear pretty slender. I think I've probably gained muscle from wearing CL's because the heel is so high it really works those muscles. :biggrin:

Running is great if you want to lose fat and gain muscle in your legs.
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In most women who have large calves, it is hereditary and not from working out when they were younger, etc. Unless you're a body builder, the calves are very hard to make extra large. Large calf muscles are especially common in Korean women.

It is unrealistic to believe that as an adult you have large calves because you used to play soccer or track, etc. The calf is just like any other muscle. If you work it out, it may get large, but it's not going to stay that way your entire life unless you keep working it out (unless it is big naturally). I, myself, intentionally made sure I stayed away from exercises that worked my calf muscles, yet they were still large.
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  • 1 month later...
hi ashmi99,

i am very interested in going to OZ Clinic for calf reduction surgery this spring. Would it be possible if I could email you with questions and concerns I have?

Thank you very much,
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tall heels and skirts that sit above the knee. your legs will look so sexy.

I have big calves as well. also, if your going to wear knee skirts, DONT wear flats

WTH? calf surgery? are you mad? lol

do you know how many men and women are dying to get calves? keep what you got and work with it
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Dang, I keep finding I have so much in common with you ladies. I've danced for around 8 years now and that has bulked up my legs sooo much. It was so hard when I was in high school because my boyfriend had chicken legs and I ...well definitely didn't! Now, my husband has really muscular legs so I don't feel nearly as bad, I do have problems getting some boots to zip up though :-/
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